3 - Headmaster

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Sasuke Rose sat behind his massive oak desk, the Beacon Academy emblem gleaming from the wall behind him. Stacks of paperwork cluttered his workspace—documents relating to both the academy and his duties as a councilman for Vale. It was honest, sometimes tedious work, but Sasuke took pride in it. Over the past decade, his contributions have significantly enhanced Vale's economy, advanced its technology, and improved the quality of life for its citizens. People respected him greatly, almost as much as they feared his past. But now, he had transitioned into a role of leadership and protection, guiding Vale into a brighter future.

He scribbled his signature on another document before his door suddenly burst open, the heavy sound echoing through his quiet office. A man, wearing the lab coat of Beacon's scientific research division, rushed in. His face was pale, and the anxiety was clear in his wide eyes. Sasuke immediately sensed the urgency.

"What's the matter?" Sasuke asked, his voice calm but commanding.

The scientist, breathing heavily, stammered out his response. "S-sir! We've detected an anomaly in space—a comet... heading straight for Remnant!"

Sasuke's hand froze over the paperwork. His eyes narrowed. "What?" His voice dropped in volume, betraying none of the alarm rising in his mind. "How long do we have before it reaches us?"

The scientist hesitated, still catching his breath. "A-around... 13 years, sir."

For a moment, Sasuke's tension eased. Thirteen years. That was enough time—more than enough, in fact, to prepare for any potential impact or avert disaster. He leaned back in his chair, folding his hands together, giving the scientist his full attention.

"Thirteen years," Sasuke repeated, more to himself than to the scientist. "We have plenty of time." Then, after a brief pause, his sharp gaze locked onto the man. "How did you calculate this so precisely?"

The scientist nodded quickly, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Well, sir, with the latest advancements in our observational technology, we've been able to monitor stars and celestial bodies far beyond what we could before. Although we're still primitive in terms of actual space travel, we've improved our ability to map the heavens. Most of our resources used to go toward combatting the Grimm, but in recent years, we've been able to shift some focus to space surveillance."

Sasuke's fingers tapped against the desk as he processed this information. "And the comet's trajectory? How certain are we that it's on a collision course with Remnant?"

The scientist swallowed. "Highly certain, sir. The trajectory analysis shows a direct path. Its speed is comparable to the one that wiped out most of prehistoric life on Remnant in the legends we've studied. If we do nothing, the impact will be catastrophic."

Sasuke's eyes darkened. "And the Grimm? Would their presence be affected?"

The scientist hesitated before responding, "We haven't determined that yet, sir, but the shockwaves and energy from such a collision could disrupt the balance of Remnant's ecosystems. It could lead to a surge in Grimm activity or, worse, their migration toward more populated areas as the land shifts."

Sasuke stood up from his desk, walking over to the large window behind him that overlooked Beacon Academy. The world outside appeared calm and peaceful. Yet beneath that surface, trouble always loomed.

"Thirteen years is a long time," Sasuke said after a moment. "But we'll need to begin preparations immediately. Quietly. We can't let this information spread to the public until we have a clear plan."

"Of course, sir," the scientist said quickly. "But... what do we do? We've never faced anything like this before."

Sasuke turned to face him, his Rinnegan gleaming faintly in his left eye. "We'll need to unite the kingdoms. This comet threatens all of Remnant, not just Vale. Send the details to the council. I'll handle the rest."

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