Rabbit (For thestupidcat33)

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You were the girlfriend of Rabbit, from the band Steam Powered Giraffe.
Yes, you knew his real name.
But he hated it, so he made you call him Rabbit.
You found it amusing and agreed.
You were watching a movie while waiting for Rabbit to come home from a concert.
You were so caught up in the movie, that you didn't hear Rabbit come in.
You felt someone hug you from behind and you screamed.
"Y/N, it's just me," a voice laughed.
You recognized it as your boyfriend.
"Rabbit, you asshole, you scared me," you said, grabbing your chest.
Your heart was settling down.
He laughed harder.
"Sorry, baby, but I couldn't resist," he said.
You hit him with a pillow.
He stopped.
"Oh, you're gonna get it now," he said, getting on the couch.
"Rabbit, no. You know you deserved it," you said, putting your hands up.
Rabbit began tickling you.
You began to cry with laughter and tried to get him off.
Rabbit slowly began to stop, but kept his hands on your waist.
"I missed your laugh," he said.
"I missed you, too, babe," you sighed.
Rabbit kissed you, with passion.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back and matching his passion.
That's how you spent the night.

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