Quicksilver{AOU} (For NewtandGallylove)

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You and Pietro were investigating a supposedly abandoned HYDRA base down in Florida.
You and Pietro worked silently, as always.
You two were teamed up by Steve.
You remembered when the decision was announced.
Pietro demanded to know why he wasn't with his sister, as they were always a team.
"Because she's with Vision. They chose each other," Steve sighed.
"So i get stuck with her?" Pietro scoffed.
Pietro barely knew you, seeing as you always avoided him, especially after the battle with Ultron where you saved him.
You has used your precognition to foresee his plan and shielded him with your forcefield to protect him from dying.
You avoided him since.
The team was silent.
Pietro just stared at you before speeding away and you retreated to your room.
Since then, Pietro never said a word to you.
You didn't know how to feel.
Until you found something.
"Hey, Pietro, I think I found something," you called.
You felt a rush of air and suddenly, Pietro was next to you.
"What is it?" he asked, looking at it.
You leaned closer to the crate.
"It looks like it could hold ammunition or possibly explosives," you said, putting your hand on it.
You closed your eyes, waiting for some sort of vision.
"I'm getting nothing," You said, confused.
"What's so wrong with that?" he asked.
"I never get nothing," you told him, "Something's wrong."
Pietro opened the crate, only to find it empty.
Your heads both snapped to the window as you noticed armored jeeps pulling up.
It was a trap.
Something crashed through the window and landed at your feet.
"Grenade!" you shouted, putting up a shield to protect the two of you.
"Not this time. It's my turn," Pietro said, scooping you up in his arms and running away.
When he stopped running, you jumped out of his arms and threw up behind a bush.
When you went back to him, he was trying not to laugh.
"Go ahead," you allowed, cracking a smile.
Pietro laughed.
"You didn't see that coming?" he teased.
"Nope," you said, shaking your head.
You looked around to find where you were.
"Holy crap," you said.
"What is it?" Pietro asked, putting a hand on your shoulder, concerned.
"We're in Disney World!" you exclaimed, grinning.
"What's Disney World?" he asked.
You stared at him.
"You've never been to Disney World?" you asked.
He shook his head.
"I am from Sokovia," he reminded you.
"Call Tony. Tell him we're taking a detour. And stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes," you ordered.
Pietro raised an eyebrow, but did as he was told.
You brought two passes and returned.
"You're slow," he commented.
"Shut up," you said, putting the pass around his neck.
You put on your own before taking his hand and beginning to walk.
"What is this? What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm giving you a present. Think of it as a thank you for the save back there," you said.
As you took Pietro on his first experience throughout Disney World, you couldn't help but admire his smile.
You didn't see it often.
And his laugh, his accent, his eyes. It all made you weak in the knees.
That made you realized you had a huge crush on Pietro Maximoff.
You couldn't help but blush each time you caught him staring at you when he thought you weren't looking.
And the butterflies went crazy each time he wrapped his arm around you in some way.
As you both stood, watching the nightly fireworks, you noticed Pietro staring at you again.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"No one's ever done this for me before. Especially when I avoided them for so long," he said.
"It's something that i thought you needed," you shrugged.
"It makes me happy. But not as happy as you did today," he told you.
You blushed.
"I never did thank you for saving me," he said.
You looked at him, curiously.
You watched his eyes flicker to your lips before he kissed you gently, taking you face in his hands.
You kissed him back, without a second thought.
When you pulled away, you both laughed.
Pietro placed an arm around your waist, holding you close to him.
"Would you be mine?" he asked.
"Of course," you nodded.
He grinned and you both silently watched the fireworks.
Then you realized something.
"Crap, how are we getting back to HQ?"

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