Doctor Who (For nightvisions4)

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Amy and Rory held their bundle of joy, you.
You were only a few days old.
They were happy they got to raise you, a chance they never got to have with their firstborn, Melody.
No one knew Amy was even pregnant.
Amy and Rory did their best to hide it.
They wanted you to be a surprise.
The Doctor had called for the first time in a year.
He and River had decided to actually take a couple's vacation.
It made the secret much easier to hide.
They were on their way now.
Rory set you down in your crib because you were sleeping.
The sound of the TARDIS filled the room.
They watched it appear.
The Doctor stepped out first.
"Hello!" He shouted.
River followed behind.
"Hello," she greeted, a bit more calm, but still as cheery.
The four exchanged hugs.
"How was your trip?" Amy asked, smirking.
"Private," The Doctor said.
"Thrilling in all the right ways," River winked.
Rory scowled while Amy high fived her daughter.
"We brought pictures," River added.
"We did what?" The Doctor asked, confused.
"You can show us after we show you our surprise," Amy interrupted.
"Stay here," Rory instructed.
He and Amy went to your bedroom to bring you over.
You were fully awake, amusing yourself by reaching up to play with the small toys dangling from the mobile over your crib.
Amy scooped you up carefully in her arms.
Her bright hair amused you for the time being.
They walked over to the Doctor and River.
They had been arguing, presumably over the pictures.
However, they both went silent as you were brought in.
They gaped at you.
"This is our daughter, Y/N. River, meet your little sister," Amy introduced.
River beamed at you, holding her hand over you and watching you wrap your tiny hand around one of her fingers.
The Doctor looked terrified.
"She's even tinier than River was," he pointed out.
"Want to hold her?" Rory offered.
"God no," the Doctor responded.
Amy motioned to Rory.
Rory obeyingly set up the Doctor's hands into the proper position.
Amy carefully placed you in them, holding her hands underneath in case he dropped you.
"Oh, this isn't so bad," he laughed.
You reached out and pulled at his bow tie.
"Maybe we should make one of these," he suggested, looking at River.
River took you from his arms, rocking you a bit.
"Don't even think about it," she told him, "You're hard enough to raise already."
Your family gushed over you.
You would always grow up loved.

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