Mick Rory (For DarkMistressDragneel)

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You were headed home with the groceries.
You lived with Leonard and Lisa Snart, as well as Mick Rory.
You had been best friends with Lisa since you were kids.
When they came to you for a place to stay, you warmly welcomed them into your home.
Not too long after, you started dating Mick Rory.
It was a bit weird, you would admit.
He was tough and rarely showed his emotions while you were a bit more innocent, and your emotions were easy to sense.
You guys worked out somehow, though.
You worked at the CCPD with your friend Barry Allen as a forensic analyst.
You didn't know about Barry being the Flash until Lisa, Mick, and Leonard told you.
Barry confronted you about your relationship with the Rogues the next day.
You apologized profusely for their behavior.
Barry realized you had no control or say in what they did.
You were honestly just their friend.
Barry did his best to keep you out of problems, but would often sneak into your room to talk.
You gave great advice and gave Barry ideas of how to handle this troublesome situations.
You were humming as you walked to your car.
As you unlocked it, you heard a voice behind you.
"What song is that?" it said.
You turned to see an old man with a creepy smile behind you.
"Your Love by The Outfield," you told him, uncomfortable.
"That's funny," he said, "Have a nice night."
"Same to you," you said, turning to get into your car.
You felt something hit the back of your head, knocking you out.
When you gained your senses back, you were tied to a chair that was connected to the top of the CCPD building.
You tried to scream, but the gag prevented you.
You were terrified of heights.
"Calm now, dear. Wouldn't want you to fall before the clock goes off, now would you?" you heard.
You felt the tears leave your eyes.
"This'll make a good message for those foolish thieves you hang around," he laughed, "The Trickster always prevails."
You were utterly confused.
You had never heard of the Trickster.
You could have gone your whole life without knowing who he was.
"Your little boyfriend and friends have two hours to find you, or else- SPLAT!" you heard.
Suddenly, it was quiet, only the ticking of the clock could be heard.
You prayed someone would save you.
Little did you know your boyfriend would resort to any means to save you.
Mick had gone to look for you when he called and you didn't answer.
You never ignored his calls.
He spotted your car with the door open.
In the driver's seat was a jack-in-the-box.
He picked it up, understanding what had happened.
He brought it back to Leonard and Lisa.
He threw it on the table.
"The trickster has Y/N," he said.
Both got to their feet immediately.
"How long do we have?" Lisa asked, worriedly.
"I don't know," Mick admitted.
Leonard picked up the box and moved the crank.
When it went off, a timer was revealed.
"A little over an hour," he read.
"We can't cover the entire city in an hour," Lisa reasoned.
"But we know someone who can," Leonard reminded them.
"Let's go get him," Mick nodded.
They geared up and headed to STAR Labs.
They were greeted with groans and anger.
"Y/N is missing," was the first thing out of Mick's mouth.
Everyone stopped to listen.
"The Trickster took her and we have less than an hour to find her," Mick explained hurriedly.
"Or else what?" Cisco asked.
"We don't really feel like finding out," Lisa said.
Barry changed into his Flash suit.
"I'll look around and underground," he volunteered.
He sped away.
They waited a tense couple of minutes, fidgeting with impatience and worry.
"I can't find her," Barry said, returning.
"Let's find the Trickster and beat her location out of him," Mick growled.
"For once, I agree," Barry sighed.
The enemies gathered together to find the Trickster's lair.
Three blocks away from the CCPD, he was daring.
He must have really wanted to admire his handiwork.
After Barry let the Rogues take turns beating on the Trickster, he stopped them.
"I have to admit," The Trickster said, "I didn't see this coming. I more so pictured you spending all of your time looking for your girl."
"Where is she?" Mick roared, angry.
"She was at the top of the CCPD, but not anymore," the Trickster said, pushing a button to release you manually.
You screamed through the gag as the chair dipped over and dumped you off.
You were going to die.
You saw a red flash run up the building and meet you halfway, catching you, and running back down to the ground.
You clung onto your savior before you found yourself in STAR Labs.
Barry threw back his mask to look at you.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
He removed the gag and the rest of your binds.
"I'm alive, so I guess so," you said quietly.
"I'll be right back," he said.
He brought the Rogues to you, one at a time.
Lisa was the first to capture you in a hug, holding you tightly and running a hand through your hair.
Leonard even gave you a small side hug.
Mick scooped you up in his arms and held you close to his chest.
When he let you go, he kissed you deeply.
He never usually showed such gentleness or adoration.
"I thought I lost you," he whispered, still holding you close and kissing your forehead.
You didn't know how to respond, just let him hold you tightly.
"I love you," he said.
That really shocked you.
He never said those words before.
"I love you too," you responded after a minute.
Caitlin shooed everyone away from you to check your vitals.
Once you were cleared, you were allowed to leave.
You hugged Barry as tight as you could.
Mick didn't want you to walk, so he scooped you up to carry you home.
"Thanks Flash," he reluctantly said.
"Take care of her," Barry warned.
"Always," Mick said, under his breath.
Team Flash watched the Rogues leave with you.
Cisco was the first to speak up about what had been witnessed.
"I guess the myth is true, even bad guys can be good for someone they care about."

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