John Reese (Gun Fight)

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You were undercover with your friend and partner, John Reese.
You were both on Team Machine.
The Machine had recently spit out a number of a doctor.
So, you and Reese were temporarily Dr. Eli Thompson and Dr. Esperanza Morales.
Dr. Alice Channing had no idea she was being threatened or surveillance.
For a second, you admired her ignorance.
She was so blissfully unaware of the world around her, just smiling with her patient who had just received the good news his surgery had been successful.
Sometimes you craved for such simplicity.
"Hello, Dr. Morales," you heard.
You looked over your shoulder to see John.
You turned to face him, looking him up and down.
"You look good in scrubs, John," you complimented him.
"Gotta say I miss the suit," he sighed.
You gave a small smile.
"Yeah, I feel naked in this," you shared.
"I feel like my balance is thrown off. Like if i need to shoot my aim won't be right because one side is tighter than the other," John said.
You felt a buzzing in your pocket.
"Dr. Channing just got a text. Parking lot," you read.
"It's from an unknown number," he read, over your shoulder.
You shoved your phone back in your pocket.
"It's a hit," you realized.
"Doctors have to stick together," John said.
"You follow behind Dr. Channing, I'll see if I can head off the enemy," you planned.
John nodded.
You turned to walk away, but John grabbed your arm and pulled you back.
"Be careful, okay?" he cautioned.
"Oh, John, it's nice to know you care," you winked, "You be careful too. Just because we're in a hospital doesn't mean we'll always get good news."
John gave a hint of a small smile before stalking off.
You ran the opposite way.
You noticed three black cars full of armed men pulling into the parking lot.
You pulled out your gun, and shot out one of the tires on the last car.
The 6 men in the car stepped out as the two other cars kept driving.
You threw off your lab coat.
You pulled out your second gun and shot down two of the men before ducking behind a column.
There was a firefight before you were out of ammo, and your enemies were down.
You reloaded your guns and picked up one of the automatic guns your enemies were carrying.
As you stalked quietly behind, you heard gunshots.
You wasted no times in taking enemies out.
In not time, it was clearly you and John, with three enemies still standing.
You were down to your last rounds in one of your guns.
You and John dodged behind the same column.
"Hey, partner," you greeted.
"Alice made it inside," John said, "She's safe."
"Good news," you nodded.
You looked over and shot one of the men in the neck.
Two were left, seemingly the best.
"Cover me?" you asked.
"You have a plan?" John asked.
"Of course," you smiled, "Got my back?"
"Always," he said.
You climbed up the back of one of the columns and up.
You climbed atop the pipes and made your way over the enemy.
You waited until John was distracting them by shooting to jump down.
You shot one in the kneecap and swung your fist, knocking him out.
You held your gun in the face of the last man standing.
You felt a bullet hit your arm.
"What the shit?" you cursed, the gun dropping from your hand.
The enemy turned to take advantage and kill you, but you head butted him in the face.
John then shot came out from his cover and him in the kneecap.
You turned to John, shocked and angry,
"Did you just shoot me? What is wrong with you?!" you hissed.
You put your hand on your wound to stop the bleeding.
The bullet was still inside.
"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't do it on purpose," John said, looping an arm around your waist and helping you walk back to Finch's hide out.
"No! It does not, in fact, make me feel any better!" you growled.
John stopped and kissed you.
"How about that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
You were silent as he continued to help you make your way back to headquarters.
"Okay, that made me feel a little better."

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