Chris Halliwell (Hate Me, Love Me)

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You were a powerful witch.
But you were young and untrained.
That's why the Elders found it fit you be trained by the Charmed Ones themselves.
You went to them for lessons after school every day.
Everything worked pretty smoothly.
You picked up everything exceptionally fast.
They were very kind to you.
Sometimes you'd stick around for longer than necessary at their insistence, like for dinner and stuff.
The only problem was Piper's son.
He hated you.
He always found some way to berate you or hurt you.
You didn't know why he hated you, but he was also your whitelighter, which made things very difficult.
You were currently walking to the Halliwell Manor for another lesson.
A man stepped in your path.
"Excuse me," you apologized, trying to step around.
He stepped into your path again.
"Can I help you?" you asked.
He disappeared and reappeared behind you.
"Demon," you gasped.
He got his arm around your throat and held you in a chokehold.
You had so far only been trained for warlocks and other simpler magical creatures.
Demons were something you hadn't even touched on.
"Chris!" you called out.
Whitelighters were supposed to protect young witches, which was why he was assigned to you.
No one showed up to save you.
You knew he had heard you.
Your fear got the better of you, as you felt a searing pain in your back.
Your power managed to knock the demon away from you.
The demon fell back before he appeared in front of you again and grabbed you.
He punched you in the face before throwing you to the ground a few feet away.
You felt blood pooling at your face and the side you had landed on.
You're instincts took over and you used your power to turn the demon to dust.
You shakily got to your feet and limped to the Halliwell house.
You knocked and Paige answered.
"Y/N!" she shrieked, seeing your condition.
You fell, but she caught you.
She dragged you into the living room and laid you on the couch.
Piper and Phoebe were at your side in seconds.
They worked on your wounds, which weren't that severe.
Your energy was just drained because of the use of your power.
It always wasted your energy, which was why you tried to avoid using it.
"What happened?" Chris asked, entering.
You sat up.
"I called you to help me with a demon. You didn't show, so I had to take care of it myself," you said, tears in your eyes.
"I... I'm sorry," he said.
"Look, I know you hate me, and I don't know why, but I really needed you," You said.
The sisters just looked between the two of you, listening intently.
Chris came over to you, pulling you into his arms before orbing away.
You were soon on top of the Golden Gate Bridge.
You pulled away from his hold.
"Why are we up here?" you sighed.
You were tired now.
"I don't hate you," he said.
"Well, it sure seems like it," you scoffed.
"I love you, Y/N!" he exclaimed.
You were taken aback.
"You... what?" you asked in disbelief.
"I love you," he said, running a hand through his hair, "But I shouldn't feel this way, so I acted out."
You didn't know how to answer.
You settled for grabbing his collar and kissing him.
He seemed surprised for a minute before kissing you back.
He moved his hand to your waist and healed it.
When you pulled away, he moved his hand over your face to heal it, too.
"You could have just done that," you said, "And you feel the way you feel. You can't help it. But don't doubt I feel the same either."
"I won't," he smiled.
"Can we get off of this thing now?" you asked, laughing nervously.
"What? Afraid of heights?" he teased.
"No," you responded, crossing your arms and rolling your eyes.
You looked down at the cars below.
"Okay, yes."

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