Jace Wayland (For OhGodItsAshley)

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You were a shadowhunter.
You were from a smaller institute, one that barely anyone noticed.
They really only bought the ones with the most dangerous gifts there.
Your gift wasn't really so much dangerous, as it was hard to control.
You could control shadows.
It scared you when you first discovered it.
Your father was hitting you, and you remember wishing to be shielded from his drunken blows.
You opened your eyes to see yourself shrouded in darkness.
Your father kicked you out of the house.
Luckily, you were found by a woman who became a mentor to you.
She took you to the secret institute and helped you learn to control your abilities.
You were called before everyone to be given an assignment.
A demon your group had been hunting is now being pursued by another institute.
You were to go over there and work with them.
You weren't too keen on the idea, but who were you to deny an assignment.
You put on your hoodie and walked out.
You met up with the other shadowhunters in Manhattan.
The first person you met was a boy named Simon.
"I'm Y/N," you introduced.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Can't wait to work with you. I'm Simon. These are Alec, Isabelle, and Jace," he greeted.
He greeted you with a warm handshake.
Everyone else followed his lead, except for a boy named Jace.
He glared at you and shoved past you.
"Did I do something?" you asked.
"No, that's just how he always is," Alec told you.
You began to explain the habits of the demon.
"It likes small children, practically craves them. It will be disguised as a little boy. It hums this lullaby that draws all children to it. The closest we got to identifying it was the urban legend of the Pied Piper," you explained.
"So are we supposed to fight every little kid on the street at night?" Jace scoffed.
"That's not what I said," you argued.
"Sure sounded like it to me," he said, taking a step towards you.
"Do you have a problem?" You said, crossing your arms and standing your ground.
"Yeah, I do, you-," he began.
"Jace, enough!" Isabelle interrupted.
Jace took a few steps back.
"How do we pinpoint this demon?" Simon asked.
"He'll be the only little boy out at night without anyone. And the children he lures will circle around him," you answered.
"How do we fight against his song?" Alec questioned.
"It only affects children children who feel lost or abandoned," you stated.
"Let's split off into pairs," Isabelle suggested, "I'll go with Simon."
"I'd rather go by myself," Alec shrugged, "Who knows, I might meet up with Magnus along the way and he could help too."
Isabelle rolled her eyes.
"That leaves you and Jace," Isabelle winked.
"Don't kill him," Simon tried to joke.
"Excuse me?" Jace responded defensively.
"I won't," you said to Simon, ignoring Jace.
You and Jace watched as everyone walked off in different directions.
Jace turned to you.
"Just stay away from me. I don't need your help," he hissed, walking away.
You watched as he froze.
He began to walk in the opposite direction.
You realized he heard the music.
You followed the entranced Jace.
You walked quite a few blocks until you reached a little boy, standing at the top of the stairs in Times Square.
He was smirking evilly as a crowd of children walked towards him.
He spotted Jace and turned to his new subjects.
He stopped humming.
You could see Jace wake up.
"Kill him to prove your loyalty," he ordered.
Jace looked unsure of what to do
You stepped in, wrapping shadows in front of him protectively.
"What are you doing?" he asked, turning to you.
"Saving your ass," you declared.
The shield would hold as you moved to grab the demon in a different shadow orb.
You trapped him and locked him away in the shadow world until you could get back to the rest of the shadowhunters.
You released Jace from his shield.
You watched the children begin to cry and get scared.
They had been released from the demon's hold.
"Let's get these kids home," you sighed.
"I'll call the others on the way," Jace agreed, using a much friendlier tone than before.
It took you three hours to get all the children home.
Jace walked you back to the institute.
As you walked, he stared at you.
"What?" you asked.
"Thanks for helping me out back there," he said, running a hand through his hair.
"No problem," you smiled.
"Though, I totally had it under control," he added.
"Right. Of course. I should have just stood by and let you handle the situation yourself," you said sarcastically.
You arrived at the institute.
"Do you doubt my talents?" he asked, smiling a little.
"Maybe," you shrugged.
You watched the other shadowhunters gather around and you released the demon.
Simon and Alec watched your shadow manipulation closely.
"How did you do that?" Simon asked, staring at you.
"Can we keep you?" Alec countered.
"Let's focus on the demon, boys," Isabelle reminded.
Once the demon was permanently destroyed, you prepared to leave.
You were stopped by Isabelle.
"Want to celebrate with us, Y/N?" she offered.
"Uh, sure. Sounds fun," you accepted.
Jace walked up to your side.
"You know, if you want me to prove my skills, you're welcome to train with me sometime," he smirked.
"Looking forward to it," you retorted.
"It's a date," he winked.
"Oh, that's a whole other question you have to ask," you told him.
"Will you go on a date with me?" Jace hesitated.
"Maybe. Why don't you ask me later and see?" you winked.
You followed Isabelle into another room.
You felt Jace following you.
You wouldn't mind staying here.

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