Christian Ozera (Man, I Think I Love Her)

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*Requested by: HysteriaKiss*
Christian was clenching and unclenching his fists.
He had been preparing for this moment for months.
He was finally going to ask Lissa out.
He had hyped himself up in a mirror long enough.
Tonight was the night.
He entered the small get together, beaming with confidence.
Rose greeted him immediately, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to Lissa.
She was in on the plan and willing to help anyway she could.
Christian and Lissa hugged.
He readied his words when he noticed a slightly smaller, yet beautiful girl standing awkwardly behind Lissa.
His mouth went dry, and he shut his mouth suddenly unable to speak.
My chick she's a little bit punk rock,
Can't stand when I'm listening to hip-hop,
She prefers White Snake over Drake
But I make her listen to it anyway
Lissa could only smile at his embarrassed face, pushing you towards him slightly.
"Christian, this is my little sister, Y/N," she said slyly.
Rose raised an eyebrow as Christian blushed and greeted you.
You smiled at him, shaking his hand.
Suddenly, your favorite song came on.
You gasped and grinned at him.
"Dance with me?" you asked.
He darted his gaze to his shoes.
He was absolutely confused as to why he was so shy around you.
"Oh no. I don't dance," he spoke.
"Nonsense," you scoffed, "Everyone dances. You just haven't found your rhythm yet. Come on, I'll help you."
You took his hand and pulled him to the dancefloor.
He hated this song, but having you in his hold was more than enough incentive to put on a smile.
After your song played, his favorite song came on.
You wrinkled your nose at it and went to leave, but he stopped you.
"I danced with you, now you owe me a dance," Christian said, his confidence returning.
You chuckled in agreement, leaving him smirking.
She gets mad 'cause I'm always on my iPhone,
Her Blackberry can't barely get a signal,
She's so on-time when I'm always running late,
(Hurry up!)
I guess she's gonna have to wait
Thinking I'm in way over my head, yeah!
When you left that night, he gave you his number.
As you talked over the next several days, he realized how different you two were.
You liked everything he hated and vice versa.
But there was something in your voice that made him at least try some of those things, like standing on the edge of the roof or just shutting the phone off and relaxing in the quiet.
Something he would usually avoid, afraid of what someone would say.
He found himself enjoying it.
He couldn't help but wonder if you had tried any of the things he had mentioned.
She say's left and I say right,
Yeah she says yes and I just might,
'Cause I go up and she goes down,
Yeah I say something and she freaks out,
I swear she's out to get me,
She's horror-movie crazy,
And I'm telling you she hates me
She's unlike any other,
Man, I think I love her,
Man, I think I love her,
Man, I think I love her
He had taken you out to see a romance movie, otherwise known as a chick flick.
You had fallen asleep in the early beginning.
He couldn't help but feel insulted.
Well, it wasn't like a date or anything, but you could have saved him money by suggesting something else.
He sulked throughout the rest of the film while you slept on his shoulder.
When the credits rolled, he didn't wake you up, instead opting to just stand and let your head fall off.
"Dude, what the hell?" you asked, rubbing your neck while you followed him into the lobby.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" he retorted, "You totally missed the whole movie."
"Look, I'm sorry but honestly-," you began.
"We could have done something else if you hated it so much," he interrupted.
"Hated it? Where is all this coming from?" you demanded.
He could see the anger building in your eyes.
His phone rang with a text from Rose, interrupting his train of thought.
"I have to go," he said abruptly, just walking out.
"Fuck," he heard you say to yourself.
He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he left you behind.
You were left confused and hurt.
My chick she's a little bit psycho,
She's True Blood, I'm American Idol,
She's always hiding the remote from me,
Sucks for her that it's my TV
She's in my face whenever I'm driving,
(I know where I'm going! I know you're lying! Whatever!)
My girlfriend talks too much,
Man, she never shuts up
Thinking I'm in way over my head
He'd talked to Rose about you, learning more information that made him want to avoid you.
You were one for fighting, often getting in trouble for being in the middle of a brawl.
Apparently you didn't like when people talked bad about others, often issuing threats to silence them. Others didn't like that, challenging your word.
While Christian found it admirable how you stood up for others, he was also slightly afraid of how much attention you gained.
Because of his past, Christian was used to avoiding attention.
He knew Lissa was a safer option, and he had really liked Lissa.
Something just drew him to you, and he found himself forgetting about Lissa and thinking about you.
Maybe there was something wrong with him, and he was just losing his mind.
She says left and I say right,
Yeah she says yes and I just might,
'Cause I go up and she goes down,
Yeah I say something and she freaks out,
I swear she's out to get me,
She's horror-movie crazy,
And I'm telling you she hates me
She's unlike any other,
Man, I think I love her
She says left and I say right,
Yeah she says yes and I just might,
'Cause I go up and she goes down,
Yeah I say something and she freaks out,
I swear she's out to get me,
She's horror-movie crazy,
And she definitely hates me
She's unlike any other,
Man, I think I love her
Man, I think I love her,
Man, I think I love her
He spotted you one day, talking to your sister and Rose.
You looked quieter than usual.
He couldn't help but wonder if you were thinking about him like he was about you.
He had to admit he liked how different you were from most of the girls around.
He also realized how he started the argument with you on purpose.
He was trying to push you away, confused and afraid of his budding feelings for you.
He wanted to straighten things out with you.
He began to approach, catching your eye.
You wasted no time in leaning over and whispering something in Lissa's ear.
You turned and walked off, completely disappearing as he approached.
"Where'd Y/N go?" he asked, that pang of guilt returning.
"Something about having something to do," Lissa shrugged.
Rose was the one who noted something was off, simply peering at Christian with a questioning look.
Christian just interjected himself into their conversation to shake off any suspicion.
My chick's always listening to Green Day,
She kinda hates it when I try to be like Kanye,
Man this chick goes on and on and on and on,
(Anything but Brittany!)
She says left and I say right,
Yeah she says yes and I just might,
'Cause I go up and she goes down,
Yeah I say something and she freaks out,
I swear she's out to get me,
She's horror-movie crazy,
And I'm telling you she hates me,
She's unlike any other,
Man, I think I love her
Christian laid awake in his bed, listening to music.
He counted all the reasons you were different.
He realized he smiled as he listed them.
All of a sudden, your favorite song came on and he wanted to call you.
He remembered how you danced with him, acting like you had been long time friends, even after only 30 seconds of conversation.
He got to his feet, making his way to Rose's dorm.
He didn't even knock, knowing how she always left it unlocked.
He walked into Rose dancing to a childish song.
After being scolded for not knocking and threatened into silence as to what he had seen, he could finally speak.
"I need advice," he said, quickly.
"No chance, buddy. I already tried to help you get together with Lissa and you blew it," she scoffed.
"I need your advice," he repeated, wincing at how pathetic he sounded.
"Fine, fine," she sighed.
"I like Lissa, or I liked Lissa. But I also think I have feelings for Y/N, and those feelings are a bit stronger than the ones I have for Lissa. What should I do?" he questioned.
Rose stared at him.
She looked like she was holding back a few comments, which he was grateful for.
"Honestly, I think if you truly loved Lissa you wouldn't have fallen for Y/N. I think you should go for Y/N," Rose said after a few moments of silence.
"How should I ask her out?" he asked, "She may or may not hate me at the moment."
Rose rolled her eyes.
"Here's what you need to do," she began.
She says left and I say right,
Yeah she says yes and I just might,
'Cause I go up and she goes down,
Yeah I say something and she freaks out,
I swear she's out to get me,
She's horror-movie crazy,
And she definitely she hates me
She's unlike any other,
Man, I think I love her
You were tired, walking into your room ready to just bask in the silence.
You entered, shocked to see chocolate boxes on your bed and hear your favorite song playing.
You looked for who was responsible, only spotting Christian near your window, a bouquet of roses in your hand.
You raised an eyebrow, amused.
"I'm really sorry about acting out. I don't know why I did it. I was just... Confused and afraid," Christian admitted.
"Why?" you questioned.
"I liked Lissa," he coughed, his face burning as yours slightly fell, "But then you walked in and I just... I fell for you and I didn't know what to do about it."
"What do you want to do about it now?" you asked, curiously.
He lurched forward, pressing his lips onto yours.
(So I know this chick, right?)
Man, I think I love her,
(Man, I take this girl out to dinner and she's so polite.)
Man, I think I love her,
Man, I think I love her
You wasted no time in kissing back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You both pulled away after a while.
"Man, I think I love you," he whispered.
You smirked.
"I think I love you, too," you whispered back.
Your lips met again.
Little did you know that outside your window your sister and Rose were standing and watching.
"What are you going to do if it goes further?" Rose asked.
Lissa snapped her head to her friend, face obviously concerned.
"Just how much advice did you give him?" she asked.
At her friend's silence, she facepalmed and started to walk away as she noticed your lamp be shut off.
Rose slowly walked after her, careful not to push.
"Uh... I'm sorry?"

I am so utterly sorry if this was crap, or if the song didn't match the plot. I am unfamiliar with the character and I did a lot of research. For the life of me I couldn't think of a plot that matched the lyrics. I am honestly really and truly sorry.

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