Tenth Doctor (Eternal Companion)

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You were the Master's Daughter.
You hated your father.
He scared you, talking of death and destruction.
He left you to be raised by whatever creature he could find.
You had no idea who your mother was.
When your father died for, you were relieved.
You found a piece of old time lord technology, and you were able to create your own time-vortex manipulator from it.
You were currently just strolling through current day London, just trying to soak in the simplicity of humankind.
You noticed a strange blue police box on the corner of one of the streets.
Everyone was walking straight passed it.
"That's strange," you muttered aloud.
You walked up to it, cautiously.
You walked around it, thinking it was a normal old box.
You shrugged, trying to open and enter it.
It was locked.
You were confused.
You hesitated before knocking on it.
The door slowly creaked open and a man peaked his head out.
"Hello," he said.
"Uh, hello," you replied.
"What can I do for you?" he asked.
"Nothing, sorry. I just saw this blue police box and got a bit curious," you chuckled.
The man smirked and leaned against the door, fully.
He was wearing a bluish suit, with red converse.
"Curious?" he asked, "How about I solve your curiosity for you?"
You looked at him.
"Well, I don't think you'll kill me, so why not?" you said.
The man held out his hand and you took it.
He guided you inside the box.
The door closed behind you.
You looked around the console room.
"Is this... TimeLord technology?" you gasped.
The man gawked at you.
"You're a TimeLady?" he asked.
"Kind of," you answered.
"I'm the Doctor," he said, standing strangely close to you.
"I'm Y/N. I'm sort of the daughter of the, er, Master, unfortunately," you admitted.
The Doctor stared at you, and you waited for the violence to come.
He looked at you, a smile growing on his face.
"Why are you smiling? That's a bad thing," you said.
"No, it's not," he said.
"What are you on about?" you questioned.
"This means you and I can travel together forever. You won't get hurt or die. You won't leave. It means I'm not alone! Oh, we'll have loads of fun together. The adventures we have we'll be-," The Doctor cut himself off before continuing his rambling, "That is if you want to stay with me. I mean, it would be amazing if you do and I would love it so much. But if you don't, that's alright, I'll understand. You don't have to do-."
You laughed as you clamped your hand over the Doctor's mouth.
"I'd love to travel with you, Doctor," you nodded.
He grinned and you pulled your hand back.
He lifted you up and spun you around, before dipping you and kissing you gently.
When he pulled away, he set you back properly and ran a hand through his hair.
You licked your lips.
"Sorry, I just got excited," he blushed.
"I don't mind," you smirked.
"So... There'll be tons more of that, right?" he asked, nervously.
"I'd be disappointed if there wasn't," you winked.
The Doctor winked back and turned to the console.

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