Chris Halliwell (For LeahHollyWalker)

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You were neighbors with the Halliwells.
They were always inviting you over and you always invited them over.
You knew their biggest secret, that they were witches.
You always had their backs, protecting them from trouble.
Recently, they had asked you another favor, to take in their new addition, Chris.
You knew he was from the future, and that was it.
You didn't push and they didn't share.
Chris had been staying in your house for a week.
He had been in and out, barely greeting you or waking you up.
His favorite past time seemed to be orbing in and interrupting whatever you were doing.
You sat him down.
"Look, Chris. I know you're busy. I understand, trust me. But tonight, I need you to not orb into the middle of my business. I have a date," you explained.
"Date?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, my friend set me up with this coworker of hers. I don't want to do it, but s/he doesn't really leave me a choice," you replied.
Chris nodded.
"I get it. No orbing," Chris nodded.
You put your hand on his arm.
"Thank you," you smiled, standing.
Chris stared at your hand.
You removed it quickly, thinking he didn't like you touching him.
Chris stared at you as he orbed away.
That night, you stood in the kitchen.
You had just finished preparing a nice dinner.
Now, you sat on the couch, waiting for your date to arrive.
He never showed up.
You waited for two hours, finally just sitting at the table to just eat the dinner yourself.
You were on the verge of tears.
You didn't want to go on the stupid date anyway, but to be stood up hurt.
Were you not good enough?
Did he think something was wrong with you?
Tears started to slip out when you heard the door open and close.
You quickly wiped them away and walked out to the living room to see who had entered.
It was Chris.
You forced a quick smile.
"Hey, you remembered there was a door," you joked.
Chris gave you a small smile.
"Yeah, didn't want your date to find out my secret," he responded.
Your smile fell.
"You shouldn't have worried," you sighed, "And I was wrong to tell you what to do. I'm sorry. Are you hungry?"
You didn't think good food should be wasted.
Chris followed you into the kitchen.
He stared at the table as you cleaned up the candles and fancy napkins.
You had really wanted this to work out, for your friend's sake.
"Y/N, what happened to your date?" Chris asked, quietly.
"Um, he never showed," you answered, not looking him in the eyes.
You heated up the food as he sat down.
You served him, and he caught your wrist.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he said.
"It's nothing," you assured him, sitting in the seat across from him, "I'm pretty boring to get to know anyway."
"You're anything but boring," Chris said, changing his seat to the one beside you, "You're something special."
You looked at him.
"You've got it all wrong," you said, shaking your head.
"No, Y/N, you do," he said, taking your hand, "You're a protector. You've looked out for us more times than I could count. You keep a secret and handle business that you shouldn't. You act like it's no big deal, but you have no idea how many times you've saved the sisters' asses. You are something extraordinary."
You blushed and kissed Chris' cheek.
"You are too sweet," you commented.
Chris took a bite of his food.
"Guess I don't make too bad of a date myself, do I?" he smirked.
You laughed.
"Any girl would be lucky to date you," you told him.
"Any guy would be lucky to date you," he replied.
You stared at each other, quietly, as if musing over the same thought.
"Instead of sharing the luck with anyone else, why don't we just date each other?" Chris asked.
You smiled.
"Sounds selfish, but I like the idea," you spoke.
Chris smiled back.
"Everyone deserves to be a little selfish sometimes."

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