I wished the car ride to school was longer.
Dad insisted he would take me to my first day to make sure that I got off alright, I really didn't want to arrive at school but as dad pulled up to the front entrance, I put on best smile for him and said goodbye.
"Good luck Sarah, make new friends, learn, you know the normal school stuff." "Ha! Thanks dad, I'll walk home tonight now I know where the school is, see you tonight." "Are you sure?" I gave him a quick nod. "Okay then, see you tonight," and with that my dad drove off leaving me to my first day at my new high school.
Breathe. I said to myself, just breathe. I'm surprised I wasn't able to float to the school doors with all the butterflies in my stomach. I made my way over to the office to pick up my locker number and class schedule. Luckily I had gotten all the subjects I wanted. Looks like I had English first thing... on the other side of the school. I was running all over the place trying to find my locker to put all the unessential things away. "FINALLY," I basically screamed once I found my locker. "Okay looking for class 343" I thought, to my surprise the class was right next to my locker...score 1 for Sarah. Walking into class 15 minutes late...score 1 for school. "You must be Miss Hunter," said a man that fit the definition of an English teacher to the T. Old, white hair, sharply dressed and I don't know about you, but English teachers to me always have a big nose and boy did this guy have one. "Sorry sir, I got lost." "Understandable being your first day, but let's not make a habit of it, take your seat." I walked to the only seat left in the room which happened to be at the back, which I was happy for as not many people could stare at me that way. Mr Hangling set out the work and I got straight into it until I felt a poke at my side. I looked over to see skinny girl with long straight brown hair parted down the middle waving at me. "I'm Megan, Megan Jones." "Sarah Hunter," I said with a smile, fingers crossed this girl was nice and I could possibly make a friend on my first day. "It's nice to meet you Megan," "Likewise, I assume you're a pretty cool gal judging by your jumper!" she said as a smile began to appear on her lips. As it was slowly becoming winter I was wearing one of my very favourite band hoodies with some denim jeans. MUSE I fell in love with them back in 2002 and I've never stopped loving them to this day. "The fact that you said that, I'm assuming you're not so bad yourself!" I said smiling. "If you want you can sit with me and my friends at lunch, I know what first days are like at a new school. I was the new kid last year and I was a nervous wreck, just try not to face plant in your own food and you will have a better day than I did," she said this with red slowly filling up her cheeks. I laughed a little to myself and then said thanks. I can't believe I had met a nice girl in my first class. Score 2 for Sarah.
English passed fairly quickly, I had a spare and then lunch, to my surprise so did Megan. She showed me around the school to make sure I didn't get lost (and I have a repeat of English.) Turns out we had a lot in common, same taste in movies, British comedies, thrillers and sci-fi as well. Music was basically identical including the obvious MUSE she also liked Green day, Paramore, Passion Pit and Neon Trees.
We were just walking around the campus now and I was starting to think I might actually enjoy going to school here, until I heard someone yell out. "OI! FREAK!" We both turned around to see a group of 5 girls walking over to us. All I could think was there is always THAT girl at any school you go to. You know the one, great body, fabulous hair, boys drooling over her and she thinks she's top stuff and she always has to make sure that everyone else knew their place. "Look freak, I thought I told you not to come to the back of C block anymore, this is where normal people hang out," she said with a confident smirk on her face. "I'm sorry Jennifer, I was just showing Sarah around... she's new," she said whilst looking down at her feet. All attention was on me now and I don't know if I mentioned this but I wasn't too fond of it. Jennifer looked me up and down slowly before saying; " I'm letting you off with a warning this time freak, BUT if I catch you hanging around with your dorky friends here again you will of wished you hadn't," and with a flick of her hair she went off walking in the opposite direction with her followers closely behind her. "Megan, are you okay?" I don't usually just stand there and say nothing when something like that happens, but I was in shock. I just couldn't believe why she would say something like that to someone as nice as Megan? "Yeah I'm fine, that happens from time to time." "Why don't you stand up for yourself?" I asked. She looked at me stunned. "Stand up to someone like Jennifer Wells?! That is like asking for a ticket to hell, her dad is the vice principle here and she gets away basically everything, I'd rather take that than have her 'sick' the whole school onto me!" Megan had a point, but that didn't mean that it hadn't made my blood boil. My thoughts were interrupted by the bell signalling for lunch. "Come on, I bet you're hungry," Megan said looking a little bit more cheerful. I followed her into the cafeteria and ordered a slice of pizza and sat down at her table with 3 other people. "Okay guys I would like to introduce to you our new friend Sarah, Sarah this is the group!" Each of them went around the table introducing themselves to me properly. There was Andy; he was tall with the blackest hair I had ever seen. He looked a little bit like a skater guy with his baggy t-shirt, fitted jeans and ruffled up hair almost hitting his shoulders.
Next there was Andrea. She had soft waves to her blonde hair and was quite small; if I had seen her on the street I probably would have mistaken her as a young teenager.
And last was Rob, your average 17 year old guy semi buff, casual clothes and brown hair that had that 'I just rolled out of bed' look and totally owned it. They were all just as nice as Megan and welcomed me into their group with open arms. I did a quick glance around to see if I could spot either of my two twin brothers and came across them sitting at what looked to be the popular table.
One big hint of that was the fact Jennifer was sitting there.
I didn't bother walking over to say 'Hi', knowing I'd probably just embarrass them anyway. I had almost finished looking over the table when my eyes landed what had to be the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. He was obviously tall, he had dirty blonde hair that just covered his eyes, and a slight tan that looked like he could pass off as model, but that wasn't the best part. His eyes...Oh his eyes, I swear I could look into them all day! They were a seductive green, with flecks of darker green through them. I noticed he was looking straight at me. He began to get up from his chair, and started making his way over to our table.
"No!, no, no!" I thought, what am I thinking? He is probably just making his way over here for the food behind us, with the size of those muscles he is probably going back for seconds.
All of a sudden I felt hot and I could just feel all the blood rushing to my face.
"I'm feeling a bit hot, I'm just going to go quickly to the bathroom, be back in a few," I said quickly to the others.
"Are you feeling okay? Would you like me to come with you?" Megan asked, with Andrea nodding in agreement.
"Ha! No, no! It's fine! A bit of water on the old face should do it," I smiled and made my way out into the hallway.
I had almost made into the girls bathroom, until I felt a large, solid hand grab mine and pull me into an empty classroom.
The Impression That I Get
WerewolfFirst impressions are crucial, Sarah's dad has recently remarried and now she has a new step mother and two step brothers. It seemed like the perfect little life, but something about her new family and new community is off, but Sarah just can't put...