Dai's Revenge?

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"If you want I can help train you a bit. I don't know how much I can teach you, but I can hold my own ground." I said. He finally looked up at me, which made me smile. Then, for the first time, he smiled back at me.

"I would appreciate that."


It's been about 7 weeks since the day where I promised Dai I would help him get stronger. His chakra nature is water, so it was pretty easy to help him learn. However, his second chakra nature was odd. It's fire. I've never seen a person who's first chakra nature is water, and second is fire. Due to this, he has the advantage in many battles.

"I think you're ready now." I said, panting. We have just finished a spar, and Dai has finally beaten me.

"I never thought you would make the water boiling hot." I took more deep breaths. Dai was panting beside me. During our spar, I was knocked down for a few seconds, and Dai had used those seconds to boil water, and use it against me, since his flames were easily conquered with water.

During these weeks, I helped him with his water jutsus, taijutsu, and a bit with swords. While he was alone, he practiced his fire jutsus, and trained his accuracy. I would be lying if I said that he hasn't helped me at all. I have also grown stronger with experience, and Dai has also been helping me fix the village.

"Thank you for teaching me." He said, before smiling at me. I smiled back. Dai and I have become close, to the point where we know almost everything about each other.

"Come on, let's head back." We went back to the house we've been staying at all this time. I got both of us some water, and handed it to Dai.

In a few minutes our breathing returned to normal.

"Are you sure Ozaya will be in the village?" I asked.

"I'm positive, they're are going to be meetings held, he can't miss them."



"Hey..." I finally spoke.

"What is it?" He said, looking at me.

"What are you going to do afterwards?"


"I don't know yet."

"Well , if you ask me, I think you should become the leader."


"It doesn't seem right to become the leader of the village after killing the previous one." Is that what he was worried about?

"The village will be in chaos, you know." I replied back.


We went to bed, however sleep didn't come for me, and I could guess the same for Dai. I was a bit nervous to attack the village, and Ozaya, but Dai is the one who set out his path, and I will help him.


It was morning, the time for us to get going. Ozaya has meetings today, but they will be in the same village where Dai is from. I was getting ready, and so was Dai. I packed kunais and shurikens, even though I could turn water into weapons. I don't want to waste chakra unnecessarily.

Even though I was the one training Dai, he taught me a few tricks. When I have to detach a part of my body, it no longer hurts.

Dai was also packing weapons, and polishing his sword/katana. I wonder if he's mentally prepared to kill Ozaya?

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