The Forest of Death Part 2

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Again, sorry for not updating since, well forever... The song on the right is Chasing the Sun by The Wanted



And Enjoy!!!


I screamed in pain, and fell to my knees. I look up to see him holding the scroll. Water dripped right in front of me. My hands went to my stomach, where the hole was starting to come back together. I coughed blood. 

My eyes widened at it. Before I could do anything else, the enemy kicked me, sending me crashing through tree, after tree, after tree. 

My back finally hit a sturdy tree, and I slid to the ground. I wish I could pass out, or faint. But, I was left awake, unable to move. I was left alone, alive, to see my teammates suffering. 

End of Recap:

I tried moving one of my fingers, but I couldn't. I felt paralyzed. The ground beneath me was cold. I was useless. Naruto was passed out. Sakura had no clue what to do. And Sasuke was figuring out how to beat the bastard.

For a moment I could see Sasuke and the guy fighting, but they came out of view. I heard screaming, so they can't be too far off. However, after a few minutes came silence. Is the fight over? Did Sasuke win?

"Chi?!" Sakura? I wanted to yell, but nothing came out. 

"Where are you?!" I'm here! What if she never finds me? No, I'll catch up. I just need to get to some water. She shouted my name a couple more times, but after that I heard nothing. 

I finally gathered up the strength to stand up, but I fell right after. I'm so thirsty. After what felt like an hour, I felt my eyes slowly closing. 


I woke up with the same surroundings around me. Some of my strength has come back, but I don't think it'll last long. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

There isn't a body of water anywhere near here. Then I remembered something. 

Can I still do it? Will it work? It's been so long... 

I have to, but how did I use to do it? Feel the water. Make it come closer. I command the water. 

I looked around to see water coming from the ground. It worked! I rolled over so my back was facing the ground. I made a gigantic hole in my stomach. Slowly, as the water was coming out of me, the water from the ground began to take its position. 

If you don't understand what I'm doing, I'll tell you; I'm healing myself. It's like getting rid of all your scars, just faster. When I was done, I closed the hole. I stood up, and stretched. I've never done this before, but Zabuza told me about it once. However, I never had to use it; until today. 

I wonder if I got my strength back? I got into a fighting stance, and punched the tree near me. It crumbled. I stared at the tree, as I remembered I did the same thing when everyone was annoying me during that mission. 

How long has it been since Sakura tried to find me? Hours? Days? I don't even know what direction to go. And I can't sense the water, since there are too many animals here. What do I do? I was aimlessly walking around, until I felt it... 

W-what strong chakra! Could it be Naruto? Or should I say the Kyuubi? I ran towards it. Its hard to miss it, but hopefully other teams avoid it. 

The chakra disappeared. What happened? 

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