The Decision

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~Chapter 2~

"C-Chi H-Hakakashi.." I said as more tears poured down my face. I heard the kunai drop on the floor, and I flinched. The man was in front of me, holding out his hand. He just killed my mother... And he expects me to take his hand? I did nothing. I didn't move.

"My name is Zabuza Momochi." The man said. When I did nothing, the man retreated his arm, and began to walk out of the house. I just stood staring at my mother. Once the man left the house, I ran to mother side.

I put my ear against her heart, checking for a heart beat. I closed my eyes when I heard nothing. The one person who always cared for me, who always was there, who I spent my time with, the woman who brought me to this world, is no longer here. My body went out of control as it began to shake. I screamed, holding my head.

What am I going to do now? Where will I go? Who will care for me? Who will be there for me? I sat on the floor beside mother hugging my knees and crying. After a couple of hours, I finally stood up. I went outside.

I got the shovel that we use to use for gardening. I began to dig mother's grave. Each time the shovel touched the dirt my hands tightened. Once I was certain this would be big enough, I got some of the wood mom used in case there were holes in the roof or floors. I began to put them together, however they just kept falling apart and apart.

My hands began to bleed. I gave up making a proper coffin, and settled for a rectangle. The walls were un-even and nails were sticking out.

Now for mother to.....

I looked at the house.

I began to make my way, each step heavier than the last. Finally, I opened the door to see my mother's body still on the floor. The floors tainted with her blood.

When my body finally stopped shaking, I swallowed my fear and picked her up. However, after 3 steps I had to drop her in order to empty my stomach.

After about 15 minutes of getting myself together, I picked her up again, closing my eyes. I placed her in the coffin. I quickly closed it as my stomach began to hurt.

I took a break for my hands to rest, along with my stomach. After my hands were no longer numb, I went to find a stone for mother's grave. I carried it back, and began to carve words. I remember mother showing my how, however I was never able to try it. When she did it, she made it look so easy. However, each letter made my hand more numb.


Here lies Kuro Hakakashi

Thank you for everything, you will always be in a special place in my heart.

-Chi Hakakashi

I placed the stone aside, and began to bury mother. Once she was buried, I carried the stone over to the grave, and put it down. Mother never really believed in religion, but I prayed anyways. Once I was done, I began to pack a few outfits in the bag Ami's mother gave me.

I also grabbed some fruit mother and I use to pick out from the garden. After that, I ran to the one person I trust, Ami.


I blinked a couple of times. I felt something wet in my hands. I looked. Water? Then I noticed it was stabbed into someone.

"A-Ami?" I said, and the water dropped. I quickly backed away.

My eyes widened. I ran back to Ami, and I checked for a pulse. My eyes widened when I couldn't feel a pulse. What... What happened, Ami? I began to cry. In the distance I saw Ami's mother and father laying there.

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