Copy Ninja

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~Chapter 3~

Chi's P.O.V Age 13

Zabuza, my father, was explaining the plan to kill the bridge builder. I wasn't needed in this fight so I didn't pay attention, but occasionally I listened in a bit. But mostly, I was outside enjoying the strong winds. Mother always enjoyed being outside with the wind, especially out at night and watching the stars.

Instead of wearing long sleeve shirts that reach to my knees, I wear black shorts, and a long sleeve shirt that goes about up to my thigh. The shirt is black, with red flowers painted on it. I also wear a black mask, with red going around the eyes.I still have long silver hair, that I have to hide whenever I go somewhere, or else Zabuza would get really mad. 

"Chi, we're leaving." Zabuza said, and I nodded. I decided to go walk around the village. I put a jutsu on my self to make my hair brown. Zabuza always said to hide my silver hair from people. I went to town, looking for something interesting. I found a puppy in a corner, close to death, whimpering in pain. I did what Zabuza taught me. 

I left it there to die. What would mother think of me now? I sighed. It's been 6 years since my mother's death. Zabuza never told me why he killed her, and would get mad when I asked. I don't call Zabuza my father, since he killed my mother, but I accept the bond that we have. Zabuza is kind, in his own way, but most of the time he is strict and violent. 

I continued to walk the streets that were crowded with people. As I was nearing to where Zabuza should be, there was green grass, and a lake. Zabuza had a big advantage here. I saw Haku on the tree, who was finding the weak points of the enemy. Then I heard talking. I smirked. Its just like Zabuza to scare the young ones. I walked away, not wanting to interfere with the fight.

What should I do now? I feel so bored. Usually there isn't much to do. I usually hang out or talk with Haku. Haku is a boy, about my age, who has also sided with Zabuza. Haku's dad betrayed Haku's mom after finding out about Haku and Haku's mother kekkai gekkai. I find it easy to talk to Haku. He usually is silent, but he's a good listener, and is supportive, he's also really kind. He also has a special bond with Zabuza.

I sighed out of boredom. Today is one of those days when it seems like time isn't moving at all. After what seemed like hours of thinking, I decided to go get something to eat. I entered a place that wasn't decorated very well, and seemed poor. I feel what Zabuza is doing is wrong. If the bridge builder builds the bridge, this village would become more... What's the word I'm looking for? More beautiful? More lively? More beneficial? 

My food finally came. It was surprisingly expensive, but this country is poor, so what would you expect? I slowly ate the meal, hoping time was passing by. When I finished eating, I left a rather big tip. Then I went back to the hide out. I saw Haku, and Zabuza was in bed, bandaged up. 

"Zabuza, you were reckless as always." I said. 

"We were able to gain information." He said back. I sighed. Haku started to heal him, while I watched since I'm hopeless in healing. I feel like Haku is closer to Zabuza than I am, but it doesn't bother me as much as it should. 


I was out with Haku picking herbs for Zabuza. My hair was short and blonde, and I was wearing a white dress with a white mask. I never get why Zabuza said to hide my hair. Mother always loved my long silver hair. I sighed.

Suddenly I spotted a boy on the ground. He had blonde spiky hair, with whiskers on his head. He had an orange jumpsuit, and ninja sandals. 

I looked around for Haku but he was off picking herbs. My hand approached the boys neck. Before I could kill the boy, Haku put his hand on my shoulder. 

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