First Part of the Exams

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Unfortanetly this chapter doesn't have anything that important in it, so if you feel like it please read. 





"Quiet down! You punks! Sorry to keep you waiting. I am the examiner of the 1st test of the Chuunin Selection Exam, Morino Ibiki." A voice yelled. 

End of Recap: 

"You three from the hidden village of Sound, don't think you can do anything you want before the exam. Do you want us to fail you?" Ibiki asked. 

"I'm sorry. I was excited, since this is my first exam." 

"This is a good time to say this... You are not allowed to fight each other unless given permission by the examiners. Even if the permission is given, you are not allowed to kill the other. Pigs who go against me will fail immediately. Understood?" 

"This exam seems so soft and easy." The other one of the attackers said. 

"We will now begin the first exam of the Chuunin Selection Exam. Turn in your applications, take one of these numbers tags, and sit where the number tells you to. Then we will pass out the papers for the written exam." Ibiki said ignoring his comment. 

"A paper test?!" Naruto shouted. We all took a number and sat down. I sat near some guys from another village. Examiners were sitting all around us with a clip board. 

"The First Exam has a few important rules. I will not accept any questions, so listen carefully. First rule is you all are given 10 points at the start. The written exam consists of 10 questions, and each is worth one point. This test is a deduction based test. If you get one problem wrong, you will get one point deducted. If you get 3 problems wrong, your points will be reduced to 7. Second rule, the pass-fail decision will be determined by your team's total points." Ibiki said and Sasuke and Sakura automatically looked at Naruto. 

"Wait! Your team's total points? What?!" Sakura shouted. 

"Shut up. There is a reason for this. Just shut up and listen. Now that you know, let's move on to the next rule. If an examiner determines that you cheated or do something similar during the test... Each action will cause you to lose 2 points. In other words, there will be people who will leave this place without their tests being graded. Those who try to cheat without thinking carefully will only hurt themselves." Ibiki said. 

"We'll 'check' you at any time." One of the examiners said. 

"You are all trying to become Chuunins. If you are a ninja, act like a first-rate one. Also, if anyone on the team gets a zero, everyone on the team will fail." One again Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto. 

"The last problem will be given 45 minutes after the exam begins. You have one hour for the exam. Begin!" Ibiki yelled. Everyone flipped their papers and looked at the questions. What the hell is this? These problems are not Genin level. 

I began to slowly put everything together. 2 point deduction? First-rate ninja? Those who try to cheat without thinking carefully? Does he want us to cheat? Does he want to test our gathering skills? I scan the room to see some people cheating. That's the only option, I guess. 

I scanned the room again to find someone who knew the answers. My eyes landed on the person 2 rows ahead of me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I moved my fingers to feel the person's body. Normally, the human body is about 60% water. 

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