to be found is to be kept

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you said you had to go,
but i didn't know why

because we were so happy,
i thought you were my end

keep me hidden,
somewhere you know where to find me

you said you'd come back,
and i will wait

if it meant forever,
you know i'd be there

i was found when i didn't think i would be seen

you kept me,
because you loved me
and i stayed

because i felt loved

i was found,
and i grew with you

because we both were broken

but to be found,
especially to be found by you

was the way to recovery

you made me feel alive,
when i felt like nothing since i was a little girl

and the little girl in me,
will never get the closure she needed when you left

the love died 6 years ago,
at this point,

i don't see you coming back,

and i have been sewing the pieces back to myself when i was teared apart for the longest time

i was found,
i was just left behind in his journey of his life

that i will not be apart of,
he will not he apart of mine

when i wanted him to be

because i haven't loved anyone since you

6 years later,
i still have the cold

and i haven't found the cure yet

you're no where to be found

and neither have i

i'm lost,
and i'm just trying to find the exit

jar of hearts (a poetry story)Where stories live. Discover now