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So I decided to write another chapter, I'm sorry that this story is so slow it's just that I'm so busy in life rn and if im perfectly honest this is not my top priority in getting done, mock exams are this month and i need to revise like hell, but anyway let's get into this..

song; earned it

artist; the weeknd 

"you make it look like it's magic, cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you, I'm never confused.."

- Jenna - 

After dinner with Niall we decided to take a walk through central park, it wasn't too busy, mainly just couples like us and a few homeless people who were asleep. It was peaceful and with Niall's hand clasped in mine I felt safe, at home. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere. "I hired a consultant today." That surprised me, I knew he was stubborn and wouldn't take legal advice from anyone but people who had been working longer than him. 

"Really? What's he like?" I was interested to know more about him, he must've been special for Niall to hire him. 

"His name is Liam, he's different. that's what caught my attention. He was late, he studied at Stanford and he stood up to me. He has balls, I like that in my employees." He seemed stressed, I didn't know why. He was acting strange all night. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket, pulled one out and stuck it between his lips. 

"You smoke?" He lit the end of the cigarette, cupping his hands around the flame so the slight wind wouldn't blow it out. 

He chuckled and blew a cloud of air out of his mouth. "Only when I need it darlin' I stopped a while before I met you. Don't complain about it." He said 'darlin' sarcastically, and I didn't like the way he was acting. 

"Is something wrong Ni?" He laughed bitterly and pushed his hair away from his face with the same hand he held the cigarette. 

He took a few more drags of the cigarette before dropping it on the ground and rubbing his shoe on it, completely ignoring my question. I pulled my shrug tighter around my body and let go of his hand, walking a little faster in hopes that he knew I wanted to go home. I wasn't annoyed that he was smoking, I couldn't give a rats ass. It was the fact he wasn't telling me why he 'needed it'. Wasn't I supposed to be his... girlfriend? That's when I realised I wasn't.

I felt a harsh tug on my wrist which turned me around, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. He pressed his lips to my forehead in a soft kiss. "I'm sorry babe, I've been stressing out that's why I hired a consultant, my mothers been up my ass about not getting through enough cases a week. I didn't mean to be so pissy." I shook my head and looked up at him. 

"It's okay Ni, just.. tell me these things, okay?" He nodded his head and kissed me. 

Niall looked down at his watch and cursed, "Shit, I was supposed to pick Andrew up from soccer lessons 20 minutes ago." He scrunched his eyes up, "I'm so sorry babe, I would invite you over but I promised him we could have some father, son time. Tomorrow, yeah?" 

"Yeah it's alright, I think Harley's at my apartment anyway, I won't be alone. Go spend some time with Andrew." We walked to the main entrance of central park together before Niall jumped in his limo after kissing me goodbye. I hailed a cab and told him where I was going. 


"Harley, Do you wanna order a chinese, I'm sooo hung-" I said as I was opening my door, only to find Harley and another guy making out on my sofa." Harley jumped up, his face crimson. "Oh sorry, hello, I'm Harley's sister, Jenna." I placed my hand out for him and he smiled warmly before shaking my hand, his face slightly red from embarrassment, but no where near as bright as Harley's. 

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