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((Thank you for your comments on the prologue, by the sounds of things you guys are super excited for it, as am I!! I hope you enjoy this, here's chapter one!))

suits // one

- Jenna -

I sat on my usual spot at the front desk, picking away at my chipped white nail polish while a man with a monotone voice droned away on the phone about a meeting with Katherine. A Tuesday morning was usually a little more exciting than this, but with Jamie running Katherine's coffee round I found myself bored, unable to think of something to say to this man that could possibly end the phone call.

"Yes, I will let her know. Yes, of course. Thank you, bye." I slammed the phone down, heading back to my doodle that I had started before the phone interrupted me. I didn't know how long I was actually doodling for before a shadow was cast above me.

A hoarse, irish accent made me jump, I looked up to see an average height, blue-eyed, blonde-haired man, a navy suit (no doubt Armani) perfectly tailored to fit his body while a white button down and navy spotted tie sat neatly underneath. "Hello..."

"Jenna." I smiled, answering his question, which he returned with a pearly white grin.

"I'm looking for Katherine.." He trailed off, clearly not knowing her surname.

"Graham?" I finished his sentence, already knowing the answer since the only other Katherine I could think of in this building was Katherine Roberts, the 60 year old paralegal up on the 2nd floor, and somehow I couldn't find a reason why this highly good-looking gentleman would want to see her. One of the reasons being she was probably roughly 35 years older than him and she had been married for more than half her lifetime. On the other hand, Katherine Graham was a very attractive, 32 year old woman who was single, and had basically slept with every man in this law firm. I was guessing he was going to be her next, due to his nicely chiseled jawline and the fact he probably had a lot of money. I started to wonder what he worked as, then I thought why he was here, maybe he was a criminal, and I didn't really want to think about his perfect jawline and very, very attractive face anymore. I also wondered why someone like him was down here in one of the smallest law firms in Brooklyn. Surely if he could afford an armani suit then he would no doubt be able to afford a better lawyer.

He nodded, his hands fiddling with the cuff links that held his shirt sleeves together. "Her office is on the top floor, the one with the glass windows, and probably has her name on it." I said nervously, feeling extremely small now that he was looking at me, completely unaware that his gaze was having me unable to stand. He shot me a cocky smirk, chuckling. He brought two fingers to his head, saluting me humorously before turning around and walking to the lift, both hands in the pockets of his very expensive suit pants. Leaving only a slight smell of his Clive Christian cologne in his wake.

Just minutes later, Jamie sat down, beige pencil skirt perfectly accentuating her curves with a white blouse that seemed to have a tea stain on the chest. She licked her finger, rubbing it on the stain before groaning. "Tough morning?" I joked, taking the coffee cup from the holder she had brought before taking a sip, it was cold, and wasn't at all what I had asked her for but I knew she had a hard day, I could let it slide.

"You have no idea. Katherine had me go for the coffee run for yet another one of her toy boys, and then further complained that she asked for a decaf coffee when she asked for a latte. She made me go back, where I bumped into someone, her second coffee spilling over my blouse, hence the stain. Then I came back here, where Thomas asked me to go fetch him a bagel, and then the rest of the damn lawyers chipped in. I then returned here with 8 different types of bagels, a squashed muffin and two cold coffees. Enjoy." She rolled her eyes, dumping the coffee cup and container in the bin, along with a muffin that looked as if it had definitely seen better days. "How was your morning?" She smiled, logging onto the computer and placing a pen between her lips.

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