twenty one

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To start, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and have a very happy new year! Sorry about the huge spaces between updates, I kinda just update when I'm feeling it and if you don't like that then I'm sorry but there's not much I can do, I just don't feel the same about my writing any more. Anywayhere is chapter twenty one

song; end of the day 

artist; one direction

"all i know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say, and you follow your heart, even though it'll break sometimes..."

suits// twenty one

- Niall - 

I gritted my teeth in anticipation, waiting for Poppy to say she would leave Andrew here with me. It would give me the chance to be a great dad, I didn't want him to grow up without one, without a male figure teaching him how to treat a girl, how to shave, how to dress properly. Hell I could imagine that kid in a suit working for the family firm one day, but he could only do that If he stayed here with me. I wanted to beg and plead, but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. 

"What about when you're at work huh? What'll he do then?" I rubbed my hand over the slight stubble I had obtained recently,quickly thinking of a reply. 

"He starts school next year, until then Katarina can babysit him, she can bring him into my work when I'm not busy, we can have lunch together. I have this all planned out Poppy you're not taking my son from me." I looked around the room, seeing that It was almost exactly the same as when  had left, apart from the new customized wallpaper she had flown in from Milan. Typical Poppy.

"Fine, most of the time he'll stay here with you in Manhattan, and when my mother comes to visit, she'll bring him over. But I swear Niall, Jenna is not his mother. Nor will she ever come close to it, So I swear, that doe eyed little bitch starts brainwashing my son into thinking she's his mother, he'll be on the first goddamn plane to Paris. You hear me."

"Loud and clear." I exhaled, yanking the bedroom door open, "Now get some fucking clothes on before your son sees you." I narrowed my eyes at her before turning around storming down the stairs. 


I had to leave shortly after, an emergency at the office meant I had to get there as quickly as I could, someone was waiting for me in my office, and I didn't like people in my office without me unless I gave them my permission. Which I'm pretty damn sure I hadn't. 

"Mr Horan, so nice to see you again." Mr Payne smirked, his tone laced with sarcasm, he had on the typical preppy golfers outfit, polo shirt, sweater, slacks, Italian leather golf shoes. I would know, being a golfer myself. "Came down to invite you for a round of golf, what'd you say? Golf and a pint?"

"I'd love to whoop your ass in a game of golf and as delightful as a shitty pint sounds, I only drink bourbon. Tequila if I'm feelin it." I chuckled, sitting down at my desk and pouring myself a glass of my finest scotch. 

"Ah, you're a man of class Horan, I like it. New offer. Golf and fireball tomorrow. I have a spectacular bottle of fireball whisky in my liquor cabinet with your name on it. You in?" I sat my feet up on my desk, necking back the rest of the contents of my glass and smirking. 

"You had me at fireball. Meet you at the course  The Bridge I'm guessing?" He clapped his hands together and smiled. I knew I liked this lad when he defied all my rules and still topped all the other dumb ass Harvard graduates I thought I wanted. 

"So glad you could join me, I have a feeling it'll be a night to remember. I hear great things about your partying, don't let me down Horan." He chuckled, grabbing his damn sweater and throwing it over his shoulder before leaving my office. Tomorrow I had plans with Liam, but tonight I wanted to talk with Jenna. I needed to speak to her about what had happened, but first I had to find out what we were. 

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