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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE AND ALL THE BEST FOR 2015!!! 2014 has had it's ups and downs, I've had to say goodbye to my bestfriend but I also got given a beautiful baby brother, I've had rough patches throughout the year but let's hope I can leave that behind in 2014. Let's remember the people that didn't make it to 2015 and hope they rest happily in paradise.

Your reactons to twelve were so good! I'm glad you guys liked my plot twist so thank you! Also, there's a little boy calle Rykar Wixom, and he (with the help of his mom) re-creates men's fashion pictures and it's just soo cute and that's how I imagine Andrew to look like, he's mega adorable, there's a picture of him on the side with Jenna's outfit if you want to see..

song; fairy-tale ( let me live my life this way )

artist; rebecca ferguson

"so let me just fairy-tale, that we are in love, I'd rather live my life this's like I keep on giving, with nothing in return, just a constant burning, I'll never learn.."

suits // thirteen

- Niall -

I had barely known her long, 2 months but that was all I needed for her to completely cloud my thoughts, that damn smile of hers made my Monday morning feel like a Saturday night. I liked her, I didn't love her. I wanted to tell her that I liked her, but I couldn't without it turning into more, and I didn't know if Jenna was ready to get into a relationship with a workaholic, who used to be engaged to a drug addict who he also has a 4 year old little boy with.

"I finished my dinner." Andrew grinned as he sat next to me on the sofa, with what looked like a ketchup stain on his white button down. I chuckled, placing my hand out for him to high five. "Are you still going away for days with uncle Louis?" I nodded, and he frowned, "I wanted to come see your mansion." I chuckled, ruffling his hair before pulling him onto my lap.

"I promise, as soon as I'm back you can come see my mansion and you can stay for as long as you like, does that sound good?" He nodded his head frantically, grinning. "Now let's get you changed, your shirt is covered in ketchup."

I took him up stairs, raking through his miniature suitcase to find him an outfit. He pulled on a light blue button down, a navy cardigan, tan coloured chinos that were rolled up at the bottom and a pair of black brogues. No doubt Poppy's mom, being a designer and all, was the one who bought him all of this. He was definitely the cutest kid on the upper east side. I just wished I got to see him more often.

- Jenna -

After spending the whole of Christmas with my family like old times, reminiscing on past memories, sharing stories about NYC, my mom gossiping about Mr and Mrs Hamilton's not so quiet reunion, drinking mulled wine around the fire and Sammy cuddling into my lap for warmth. It truly was the most amazing day ever, but it was time for me to go, unlike Harley who was staying another two nights, I had to get a plane to New York, pick up my bags and head off to Niall's log cabin. It was going to be a busy day but I couldn't wait to see Niall again, it had only been 3 days since I seen him last but after seeing him almost non stop for 2 months, a couple days seemed like a week.

"It was amazing to see you Jenna, be careful yeah? I love you." My mom hugged me, pressing a kiss to my cheek and handing me a little blue box, "Merry Christmas honey." She grinned.

"Merry Christmas mom, I love you too." I then hugged Lewis, Harley and my dad before going outside and getting into the taxi. I knew instantly that the box was tiffany and co by the unique turquoise and white ribbon design, I opened the box to see a beautiful silver necklace with a love heart shaped pendant. I would remind myself to call my mum and thank her. It must've cost a fortune.

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