twenty three

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Hi! I've really been enjoying writing again these past couple days.. So here is another chapter! Hope you enjoy!

Also, here is Jenna's outfit for this chapter!

- Jenna's POV - 

"I'm looking forward to meeting this little Niall who seems to have stolen my girls heart." My mom gushed, sitting her suitcase beside the couch and sitting down. So when we meeting him?

I sat down on the couch in front of my mom, "2pm, meeting at this little Bistro downtown. My friend Jamie suggested it." She smiled at me, without saying a word for a moment, "What?" I laughed, "Why are you staring at me?"

"I'm just so proud of you, my daughter. A city girl." She pulled me in for a hug, I could hear her sniffling, getting emotional. "Oh my, we better leave now, or we'll be late meeting Niall." She quickly wiped away at her eyes, trying to hide her emotion. 

We made our way to the little bistro and sat down in the corner, the lights were dim and it felt very cosy. "Can I get you drinks?" The waitress who smiled sweetly at us asked, handing us menus and waiting for us to decide.

"I think I'll have a glass of pinot grigio, please." My mom ordered 

"I'll just have the same, thank you. And can i order a glass of speyside scotch, as well please?" She nodded and walked away to fetch our drinks. 

"He drinks scotch? How sophisticated." My mother giggled, searching the menu for something she could order. I checked my watch, 13:57. Where is Niall? I sent him a quick text to see where he was. He should be here by now. Okay stop worrying theres still 3 minutes to 2. "Where is Niall, shouldn't he be here by now?" My mother asked innocently as she scanned the menu. "I think I'll order the scampi, what about you?" I hadn't even looked yet, I was too worried about Niall looking bad in front of my mom. 

I text him again. Still no answer.

"I'm going to give him a call, maybe he's stuck in traffic." I smiled, pressing his name on my contacts. No answer. I sighed before quickly scanning the menu. "I think I'll just get a prawn stir fry. Should I order for him?"

"We'll wait a few more minutes, perhaps he'll arrive." We waited another 20 minutes before deciding to order anyway. I was so angry. Where the hell was he. This was really important to me. We managed to finish our lunch, I checked my phone multiple times through, still no messages. I picked up my coat and bag, walking out the cosy little bistro into the cold New York air. "I'm going to head back to your apartment, I'm feeling really tired. I also assume you want to go find Niall. So go do that." She smiled at me sympathetically, hugging me before hailing a cab back to my place. 

I stuck my hand up to hail a cab, "90 Park Ave, please." The cab driver nodded, driving down the all too familiar road. As we got outside his firm, the big white letters of 'Horan & Donoghue' came into view. "Thanks" I handed the driver the money before stepping out of the cab, my knock off Louboutins clicking against the sidewalk. As I got into the office, the receptionist smiled at me and gestured for me to head right up, she knew who I was by now. I got to Niall's office, where a pretty brunette was sitting where his assistant would usually sit. 

"Hi there, do you have a meeting with Mr Horan?" She smiled sweetly at me. She looked young, about 19 or 20. 

"No w-"

"Mr Horan is very busy and you must arrange a meeting with him." She smiled again, who the heel was this girl. 

"I'm his gi-" Then I realised that we hadn't actually confirmed that I was in fact his girlfriend. "We were supposed to meet at 2pm. He didn't show up do you know where he is?" I was beginning to get annoyed by this overly pretty girl sitting in front of me, with her no doubt real Louboutins swinging under her desk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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