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song; One Time 

artist; Marian Hill

"You know you got that thing, that makes the girls all swing, you know exactly what, you do.."

suits // six 


- Jenna -

As I woke up in the unusually unfamiliar bed I started to wonder where I was and due to the horrible pain I was enduring in my head, I concluded that I was in fact, hungover. I rolled over, only to see a mop of blonde/brown hair that belonged to Niall, who's face was pressed into the pillow. He looked relaxed, his mouth parted slightly as a few snores escaped his lips. He seemed peaceful, slightly like an angel. I couldn't remember a single thing from the night before, but as I pulled the covers from my body to realize I was stark naked, I had a pretty good idea. 

I cursed under my breath at how stupid I was, tip-toeing around his extremely dim-lit room searching for my clothes was not something I anticipated on doing this morning. Yet still I managed to get fully dressed and locate my shoes and glasses before making my way out of there as fast as I could and catching the first cab back to Brooklyn. It was 9am, and by the time I managed to get back to Brooklyn I would be running late for work, something Katherine would not be pleased at, and even more so if she found out the reason. When the taxi cab pulled up at my apartment complex, I threw him a 10 dollar bill, which most definitely was not enough, but being all I had on me, I exited the cab before he had time to complain. 

Attempting to make it look as If I hadn't just woke up, hungover in my boss' 'friend's bed naked, I pulled on a red, body-con midi dress and black heels. I added some concealer underneath my eyes, making sure I didn't look half-dead then placed my sunglasses over my eyes just in case the concealer hadn't done it's job before grabbing my bag and racing out of there faster than I did Niall's. 

Taking the subway, i managed to get to work at 10:30am, an hour and a half later than I was supposed to. And as If this morning couldn't get any worse, just as I had sat down at my desk, Katherine decided she wanted to send me off on this mornings coffee run for her and who other than Mr Niall Horan. "Jenna, darling. I am not going to give you into trouble for being late, but would you be a dear and catch me and Niall some coffee?" Keeping my head down, I nodded, unable to take even a quick glance at Niall. I had hoped it would be at least a week until Katherine brought him back here. How did he even manage to get here before me?

"Katherine, there's a coffee machine downstairs that works just fine, use those legs that you always seem to show off and get your own goddamn coffee." Jamie snapped, seemingly unable to take one more of the evil witch of the west's orders, and I couldn't blame her. I hadn't even been here a month and I already wanted to push her off the balcony on the top floor, never mind a whole 2 years. 

You could see in Katherine's face, the way her natural confident posture had slumped a little, like for just a moment she wasn't in charge, as if she was effected by Jamie's harsh words. But all that was gone as she sucked it up, and I was sure she was about to shout at Jamie when Niall spoke, "Katherine, it's okay. I don't need coffee." He smiled his hand on the small of her back, gently pushing her back towards the conference room they had been talking in before I came. He didn't give me a second glance, and I didn't know if it were because he didn't have a clue what had happened the night prior or he was choosing to ignore me. I opted for the first option.

He definitely did not show any signs of being hungover, his hair was once again perfectly styled into a quiff and a light grey suit adorning his body. Meanwhile, my hair was messy, my legs felt like they were about to give way and I could have puked at any given moment. "Jenna, you don't look so good. Is everything okay?" Jamie asked as I sat back down at the desk, a look of worry crossing her face. I gulped and nodded, I could get through 8 hours without puking right?

"You know you can tell me anything right? Thursdays are usually pretty quiet anyway." She smiled, and I trusted her. She was one of the nicest people I had encountered since coming here, and maybe that was because there wasn't a huge selection of people I had encountered, but still I decided to tell her about last nights events. 

"Oh my god, Jenna!" Was the first thing she had said, the second being, "Was he good?" Which caused me to almost choke on the water I was drinking, earning a look of disapproval from the attorneys that walked by with their clients. "That means yes, I'm guessing you were drunk. And you look like shit by the way, which means you're hungover." 

"Thanks Jamie." I rolled my eyes, taking another sip of the bottled water. A man about 6ft 2 walked passed the desk, then winked and smirked at Jamie." I turned my head to look at her, giving her the 'what the hell was that' look. 

"Who, when, what happened. Spill!!" I squealed, stopping mid-malfunction as John from finance frowned at me while passing. 

"Behold, Ferguson Banks, king of the assholes." She rolled her eyes, typing away at her computer. Just as I was about to find out more about this extremely attractive yet seemingly cocky man, the phone started ringing, which Jamie then put her hands up in surrender and quickly said, "I'm not answering it." Which also caused me to roll my eyes and then proceed to answer the telephone.

"Garrett & Dunner, Miss Moore speaking. Who may I direct you to?" 

"I'm looking for Katherine Graham. Can you direct me to her?" A woman who sounded rather rude and who's accent sounded vaguely familiar spoke.

"Miss Graham is in a meeting right now, may I take a message?" 

"I need to speak with her now, tell her Mrs Horan is coming right now."

"'i'll see what I can do." I squeaked, the little confidence I had diminished now that I knew who I was speaking to. With that the call had ended. I jumped out my seat, knocking on the door of the conference room, where there was in fact, no meeting. But Katherine was straddling Niall's lap, his lips attached to her neck. 

Katherine jumped off his lap as soon as I entered, pulling her dress down so It was once again covering her bottom. "Have you heard of knocking?"

"Uh, I'm sorry.. A Mrs Horan is coming down. She says it's urgent." I immediately regretted looking at Niall, he had a fulll-on asshole smirk across his face, and that told me that he knew exactly what we were up to last night. I was hurt to say the least, but I was angry at myself for letting him get under my skin. 

"Once she has arrived, tell her to come to my office, thank you Jenna." Katherine left the room, with Niall's eyes trained on her bum, I scoffed and left the room also.  

"Jenna!" Niall shouted, I turned around, only to have him completely smack me with, "I had fun last night, we should do it again." He winked.

"Niall, last night was a mistake." I spat.

"But you are still coming to my mothers party, am I right?" He smirked, I really wish I didn't want to go. "I guess I'll see you there." He shot me a cocky grin before walking back to Katherine's office. 

(( I'm really fucking pissed:(. I started talking to this guy a while back and we were getting really close and stuff and we met up a few times and I thought everything was going really well, he was really sweet and lovely and used to talk to me all the time. He hasn't spoken to me for a week, and every time i say 'hey' or something he talks for like 2 minutes and then just ignores me and acts really blunt with me:(, I literally have no luck with guys and It sucks. On the other hand, smg video was amazingg!!! and the trailer or suits is on the side.. I'm pretty proud of it:)! Incase it doesnt work on the side, here's the link Hope you liked this chapter..))

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