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P.s - I'm writing this on my iPad because I forgot to bring my laptop to my dad's and I kinda wanna write so.. Sorry and I'll edit it later. Hope you all had an amazing christmas!!
song; The City

artist; The 1975

"yeah if you wanna find love then you know where the city is.."

suits // eleven

- Jenna -

The car ride to my apartment was quiet, the only sound was the quiet hum of the radio. "If you don't want me to stay tonight It's okay. I understand."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait you're not mad at me?" I was confsued, mad at what?

"Mad at what?" A smile soon washed over his face, and the mood he was in seemed to have dissapeared.

"I thought because I didn't tell you that I was previously engaged you would've been mad at me. Or atleast the fact that I've been acting strange all evening."

"Niall, I don't care if you were engaged. We aren't dating. We're simply.." I didn't know how to say it without sounding like he didn't mean anything to me, because I had come to realise that he actually meant a whole lot to me.

"F*cking." He stated. It hurt a little when he said that, even though that was along the lines of what we were doing. I just wished he didn't think so. Come to think of it we were just f*cking, and maybe he was f*cking others too. "We've slept together twice, we aren't exactly f*cking, Jen." I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing.

"Have you um, slept with other girls during.. you know. While we have?" I felt pathetic asking, of course he had.

"I barely have time to f*ck you Jenna, never mind other girls." He chuckled, grabbing my hand and opening the car door, following as I exited. "Why, are you sleeping with other guys?" His face turned serious, as if he was jealous. Was he jealous? I shook my head and his face softened. "Good." He closed the car door behind him and knocked on the window twice before It drove away. I guess we were staying here tonight.

"Sorry can we go inside? I'm freezing my balls off out here." I couldn't help myself, I burst into laughter, nodding as we made our way up to the front door. I unlocked the door, and was met with yet another set of stairs, once we had climbed them I unlocked my apartment door and waked in, still giggling. I stumbled over my own foot, almost falling but Niall pulled me by my waist into his chest. I could feel something hard against my bum, and Niall let out a raspy whimper when I moved my hips backwards. "I've had an awkward boner all night. You look so good." I loved how blunt he was. I walked away from Niall and took off my shoes and jacket, chucking them anywhere. I would put them away in the morning. Niall took off his shoes, jacket and tie, followed by his suit pants so he was clad in only his shirt and boxers

"Eager. Who said I was sleeping with you tonight?" He stepped towards me, one hand on my waist and one cuping my face.

"Me." He whispered against my neck, pressing his lips there and sucking. No doubt another mark I would have to try cover up with makeup. I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist before he walked to my bedroom, He pulled his head away from my neck, causing me to groan at the loss of contact. "Which room." If I wasn't extremely aroused right now, I would've found this rather funny.

"1st door on t-the right." His hands grasped my bum, squeezing before he chucked me on my bed. He grabbed hold of my skirt and yanked it down my legs, ripping it in the process. "That was m-my favourite skirt."

"I'll buy you a new one." he panted, pulling my t shirt over my head and chucking it off the bed. He was hovering over me, his head in the crook of my neck,placing sloppy kisses there. I pushed his chest backwards, groaning as I couldn't get his shirt off quick enough. After undoing 4 buttons I groaned, pulling it aggressively over his head, making him chuckle and flip us over so I was straddling his waist. "F*ck you're so beautiful." He whimpered as I slowly moved my hips over his bulge, the only restriction being the thin layers of our underwear. He sat up against the headboard, un-clipping my bra and letting it fall down my arms. His mouth immediately closed around my nipple, flicking his tongue and causing me to arch my back and throw my head backwards.

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