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((Thank you for 2.2K reads! And thank you soo much for all the support on my fanfictions, I can remember writing my other fanfictions and thinking, 'nobody is going to read this' and when people started reading them I got so excited! I know I'm not the best writer, I'm not a professional and I'm definitely not perfect, but in spite of that I'm glad you all like my work:)! Also, starting next chapter, there will only be authors notes at the end unless it's a 'before-the-chapter' warning type thing because I don't feel the need in two authors notes.. idek why I do that. And also starting this chapter I'll be putting a song in, it's not exactly one to describe the chapter, it's just a song i either really like or one I listened to while writing the specific chapter.Thank youuu i love you all!!))

song; Somethin' bad

artist; Miranda Lambert ft Carrie Underwood

"drinks keep comin, throw my head back laughin, wake up in the morning' don't know what happened.."

suits // five

- Jenna -

"Drink, Jenna?" He shot me an attempt at a welcoming grin, but quite frankly it just looked scary. He passed me a bottle of god knows what, which I kindly refused. "My buddy Harry made it. Ain't he cleverr." He chuckled, "Tastes like shit but it's alcohol nonetheless." I sighed, stepping past Niall into his penthouse. His 'home' was luxurious, filled with what I could only imagine being furniture worth thousands. Large glass windows were what made up the main wall, showing one of the nicest views New York had to offer. 

"The penthouse cost me almost as much as the view did." Niall chirped, filling a glass  with what I guessed was whiskey from a fancy decanter that rest in his liquor cabinet, alongside around 40 more bottles of all shapes and sizes. The only colour of the liquor cabinet was clear and brown, I guess the man likes his tequila and whiskey. "Want a drink?" He gestured his hand towards the shelves. 

"Sure." I smiled, walking over to join him next to the bottles.

"There isn't much to choose from, tequila, scotch, bourbon." He trailed off. 

"Why have you only got like two types of alcohol?" He chuckled, as I pointed towards the bottle of bourbon that he had been pouring beforehand. He filled the glass a quarter of the way and handed it to me. 

"Because Bourbon and Scotch are my classy drinks." He rolled his eyes, "But darlin', even a business man likes to get a little naughty sometimes." He winked, his finger curled underneath my chin as he pushed my head up. "That's what the tequila's for." He downed his glass, about to stumble over to fill himself another when I stopped him. 

"I think you've had enough, Niall." He sat his glass down angrily, sighing as he did so. When I realized he was angry I added, "At least wait for me to catch up first." This caused him to turn around and laugh. Not one of his cocky chuckles that he usually did, but a genuine laugh. One where his eyes eyes crinkled and he tipped his head backwards.

"I knew I liked you." He dropped his body onto the lush sofa, his arm resting on the back of the chair. 

I picked up a bottle which read, 'PATRON' in block capitals. I pulled the cork from the top, taking a gulp of the clear liquid before scrunching my face up at the deadly sting that accompanied the taste of gasoline. This caused Niall to laugh at me, "4 shots and the taste won't matter babe!" He called, taking the bottle from my grasp and downing a gulp himself. "Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle." He sung, pushing the bottle into my chest before I took another swig. The taste was still there, but the face scrunch wasn't as intense. 

Just as he had said, a couple gulps later and It definitely didn't matter. It didn't matter that much that I had forgotten that in 8 hours time I would be back at work, expected to greet clients with a smile and pretend that the night before I wasn't absolutely hammered.  

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