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(( I made a tumblr for this, don't know if you wanna check it out but if you do.. well, thank you I guess aha  .. enjoy!))

snapchat; twerkwithziall

suits // three

- Jenna -

"I just have one question for you." I stated, picking at my already chipped and horribly polished nails. 

"Yes." He dragged his teeth along his bottom lip, licking it afterwards before staring at me, a signal to show he was listening.

"Why are you talking to me?" I sighed, rubbing my temples. "That sounded rude, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that I just meant, uh..."I paused, unable to form a coherent sentence. "I don't know what I meant." I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes, groaning inwardly at how much I needed to work on my communication skills. You would never have thought I was a receptionist.

"I find you interesting. You're awkward, weird, horrible at socializing and extremely blunt. But you're also real. Now I have one question for you." He waited for me to nod my head before continuing. I was blunt. I thought about so much and said so little. A trait I had inherited from my mother, most probably. "How is life in the big city so far?" He grinned. 

"I come home from work to an empty apartment most of the time, I spend my weekends alone while my brother goes out drinking. People look at me as If I have six heads when I start talking because they know just from my accent that I'm not from here. I'm the polar opposite of my brother, he likes to go out and meet new friends and I'm scared to even walk to work. Life in the city is intimidating." I admitted, I had a weird feeling in my gut, almost as If I was about to pass out. It was usually the feeling I got before a panic attack. The room felt like it was closing in on me and my hands were getting clammy. 

"That's the most you've ever said to me." He chuckled, but his face hardened shortly after. "Jenna are you okay?" He rest his hand on my back soothingly, rubbing circles in attempt to calm me down. I didn't like getting to know people. Getting to know people meant sharing my thoughts and that, was easier said than done, In my case.

I could see my hands shaking, and probably so could he, Niall wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me to his chest, an immediate rush of warmth enveloped my body and I suddenly felt safe. His chest was hard, his breathing a rhythmic pace much unlike my own, ragged breathing. I gripped onto his suit jacket, inhaling slowly, being able to smell his cologne seemingly helped in settling my breathing back to normal. As soon as reality stepped in, I pulled away from his body, covering my face with my hands, "I'm so sorry. I'm so embarrassed." I gulped, unable to look at him. "I have to go, I have to work." I quickly exited the room and made my way back down to the front desk, ignoring him as he called my name. I didn't think I could ever look at him again. I felt so humiliated, it happened a lot in Tennesee, but never since arriving to New York. I usually had it under control, but that was the thing with Niall, with him nothing was under my control. My brain would shout 'run a mile, this one is dangerous', but deep down I knew he was a gentleman, and maybe that's what was so terrifying.

'my mother warned me about drugs in baggies sold on the street, but never ones with teeth and a heartbeat..'


I dumped my bag down on the floor, followed by my boots and hung up my jacket. "Harley?" I shouted, but there was no answer. I rolled my eyes at the sight in front of me, an empty glass and the wrapper from last nights calzone. "Just eat my food and leave." I sighed, dumping the remains in the trash and the glass in the sink, which I would wash later. 

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