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song; that's where you're wrong

artist; arctic monkeys

"she looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me, and suddenly the skies are sizzling, sitting on the floor with a tambourine, crushing up a bundle of love.."

suits // fifteen 

- Jenna - 

Niall stood up, walking out from behind the couch, "Poppy what're you doing here?" He had an extremely awkward expression on his face, he was practically begging me not to stand up. He scratched the back of his head, biting his lip. The small boy ran towards him, wrapping his arms around his legs.

"Daddy!" he yelled, snuggling his head into Niall's knees. I screwed my eyes shut and bit my knuckle. This wasn't happening? "Where's uncle Louis?" he grinned, looking up in adoration at his 'dad'. I had just come to terms with the fact that Niall was previously engaged, now I had to get used to the fact he had a child with her also.

"He wanted to see you. My mother is away to Milan and I thought, why not come here with Andrew." She smiled evilly, as if she knew how much Niall would be annoyed that she came. I didn't know if it was the right thing to do, but I stood up and walked out from behind the sofa, Poppy's attention went straight to me and she frowned. "What is she doing here?" My hair was ratty, still damp from the shower I had not long ago, my nails were in dire need of a manicure and I was wearing no makeup and one of Niall's plaid flannels. Poppy on the other hand was wearing a tightly fitted Nanette Lepore dress with heels worth hundreds, her makeup looked absolutely on-point and her nails had been filed and polished to perfection. "Where's Louis? And Liam? The rest of the boys? Or is this weekend just an excuse for you to shag the less fortunate?" I had never been embarrassed that I wasn't rich, of course I couldn't help that, and if I would've ended up like Poppy, I'm rather glad I wasn't. But that one hit right to the core, and If I was telling the truth, it stung a bit. 

"Hey kiddo, why don't you go upstairs into Daddy's room and watch cartoons, yeah?" The little boy, Andrew nodded and ran up the stairs. I guessed from how he didn't even seem bothered by the fact his mom and dad were arguing, that It happened a lot. It was rather sad, actually. "Poppy cut the s hit, why are you here?"

"I wanted to see what girl you replaced the boys with for your annual log cabin stay. I thought she had to have been special, but now that I can see for myself.." She looked me up and down, sharing a disgusted look as she did so. She then walked over to Niall, her hands on his chest. It made me feel nauseous. "..I can see she isn't even that great. She must be good in the sack, god knows that's all you care about." She chuckled, walking away from Niall and sitting on the coffee table. She brought a hip flask and one of those fancy cigarette holders out from her bag, lighting the end of the cigarette and taking a puff before taking a gulp from the flask. She didn't seem like the type of person who would be a mom. She continuously made me feel bad about myself, she made me mad because she didn't know anything about me and off she went, judging me with what I look like, or where I stay. "I hope to goodness you aren't bringing her to your mothers party, she'll get eaten alive." She crossed her legs over, I was just staring at her, she was so beautiful but so cold, heartless. I didn't know what to do. 

"Jenna I think you should go." He looked over to me, and Poppy laughed, tapping her cigarette on the centrepiece of the table. I stood dumbfounded,

"So let me get this straight. I just found out you previously had a fiance, you ask me on this little weekend, she comes with the son you two have together, saying shit about me and making me out to be some homeless person who lives on the streets of Queens, and you're asking me, to leave?" He bit his lip, staring at his feet before looking back at me and nodding, a look of guilt washing over his face.

"Honey he isn't even your boyfriend." She cackled, "Take the hint, he doesn't want you here." I didn't cry often, and It wasn't even as if I was sad that I finally learned the truth, because I had always known. I was the other girl. As beautiful as it may be, don't forget it's still a snake. I knew from the beginning this was nothing serious and I should've stopped as soon as I felt jealous when I saw Katherine getting too close with him. 

My suitcase was still sitting in the living room, and I guess I was a little glad I hadn't taken it upstairs yet, that would've been awkward. I took a pair of jeans from my suitcase, pulling them up my leg, simultaneously wiping a tear from my eye. I would be lying if I said I wasn't heartbroken. It wasn't even as If he had told me he liked me, or vice versa because that wasn't the case, but I didn't have to tell him for him to know. Or so I thought that was the case. "Jenna wait, tak-" He grabbed my arm but I ripped it from his grip, picking up everything I brought with me and leaving, he ran after me when I had stepped outside, and I was hoping he was going to apologize at least. Not saying I would have forgiven him. "Jenna take my car." I couldn't help myself but to laugh. 

"Go to hell Niall." I dragged my suitcase behind me, walking to god knows where until I found a bus link or anything that could take me home. I hadn't even been here 6 hours and already I was leaving. 


I had found a buslink that was roughly an hours walk away from the cabin, strange looks from passers by just made me even more annoyed. But I was now back in the city, I just needed a lift from here to my home, and since I didn't feel like telling Harley about it all, I phoned the only other person I could trust, "I'll be there in 5 minutes." Jamie sounded angry, and It was either from me asking her to pick me up, or the fact that Niall was a d ick. I hoped It was the latter.

"So wait, Niall was engaged? And he has a son? Oh that's gold. Then he asked you to leave? Dick move, Niall." She drove me back to her place, which was a lot nicer than mine was, and reminded me slightly of a, less-expensive, not as organized and apartment version of Niall's penthouse. The main colours were grey black and white, it was very modern looking. "So uh, before you get a fright, Ferguson came over earlier.. and um. Yeah." I laughed, knowing fine well what she meant. "But make yourself at home, there's a guest bedroom down the hall, three's food and wine in the fridge. I'll come see you in a little bit okay?" I nodded, laughing as she left and headed back to her room. I opened her fridge and pulled out a bottle of rose wine, taking it with me to the guest bedroom. Tonight would consist of over thinking Niall's motives and drinking Trader Joe's rose wine. 

(( I know this was short but I kinda wnated to update. Lately I've been feeling sh itty and a couple nights ago I had a breakdown and it wasn't great, Im constanty exhausted and always have a headache. I had already written this before and I intended on making it longer but I kind of just had to cut off the end because I'm seriously in no mood to write lately and idk If I don't update for a while I'm sorry. I'll do my best, but I hope you enjoyed fifteen))

qotc; What did you all do for New Years?

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