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(( I thought about starting this just before botfb finishes, just so I can kinda see if people will read it. This a/n will be really short. I just wanted to say, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading!))

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Outfit to the side

suits // prologue

- Jenna -

As I pulled on the black, tailored crop trousers over my white blouse, I couldn't help but miss my family back home. Being almost 1000 miles away from your home town was definitely hard, but If I wanted to achieve my goals, then I had to commit to get there. As a great once said, nothing great ever came easy. However, I felt extremely guilty leaving my dad on his own, my mom had her new husband, but my dad? He just had Sammy the cat.

Harley had come to New York with me, insisting that I wasn't to go alone, and despite living in two completely different apartment complexes, I usually found him sleeping in my spare room. I felt a lot more at home when he was there, I felt safer knowing that my brother, regardless to the fact he was my younger brother, was just a shout away If I ever needed him.

Our relationship had always been like that, though I guess you could say it really started when our parents got divorced, it was tough on both of us, but my dad told us, that even though they weren't together, we were still a family, and whenever we were together we were home. Our family had always been close, we understood each other, we listened to each other, and my childhood was a happy one. My dad aways used to say, "Home isn't where you live, but where you're understood." And I guess when he said whenever we were together we were home, he was right, because right now I felt at home, even with our real home being 918 miles away.

"Have fun at work." He smiled, pulling a blue zip-up over his white t shirt. "Hope Katherine isn't too hard on you." He winked, handing me my handbag and a coffee cup, "Pumpkin Spice Latte, extra shot of espresso. Just how you like it in the morning." He grinned. I pulled him in for a hug, thanking him before leaving the apartment with one more kiss on the cheek.

The subway was rather crowded, and thanks to the early-morning rush hour at 7am I earned one too many blows to the stomach by bags, briefcases and elbows.

During my first week at Garrett & Dunner I had met two friends, the 62 year old Janitor, Gregory and the other receptionist Jamie. She was a short, fiery, redhead who wasn't afraid to stand up to the lawyers, despite them being able to make someone break a sweat just by their intense gaze and probably could afford both her apartment complex and mine combined. She was my polar opposite, she had a backbone and I wasn't one to swim in rivers If there was a chance I could drown. I kept myself to myself, and I never really felt the need to share my feelings with anyone but my family and maybe the occasional friend or two. It was the way I was brought up, some people may have thought it was weird, but I liked it that way. I guess I liked being able to feel like nobody really knew me unless I wanted them to.

As soon as I stepped out of the busy streets of New York I was brought face to face with my boss, Katherine, "Jenna, please be a doll and get Thomas and I both a caramel macchiato. Double espresso shot for me. Chop chop, we don't have all day!" Katherine smiled sarcastically while Thomas grinned, unaware of the fact that Katherine had her eyes on him like a hawk and it's prey. I had only been here a week and already I had heard numerous rumours about Katherine's sleeping habits. 'When you aren't looking she will swoop down and snatch your boyfriend' Jamie had mentioned, though I brushed off the unprofessional rumours until now, when they were most definitely confirmed as she twirled a piece of her blonde hair in one hand, the other resting comfortably on Thomas' arm. She had the look in her eyes, the look that would either send them swooning or sprinting. I hoped for Thomas' sake he would sprint, but by the way he smiled down at her with a look of admiration, I knew that was probably not the case.

She snapped her fingers infront of my eyes to snap me from my daydream, I was a receptionist, and my job was to answer phone calls, take bookings and organise meetings. In no part of my job description did it say 'fetch Katherine and her toy boy some expensive ass coffee.' But despite that I didn't object, taking the company card from her hand, wrapping my jacket around my shoulders again and making my way back into the busy streets of New York City to grab her the coffee from the vintage coffee shop down the street.

I loved it here, don't get me wrong, but I would be a liar if I didn't say it was overwhelming. Unlike me, Jamie had lived here her entire life, and she was, for lack of a better word, a city girl and I...I was a country girl who would probably rather spend time with her father and her cat on the farm than some large-banked, big-named, know it all who thought money was the most important factor in life.


It was now 9am, two hours had passed from when I arrived at work and since then I had fetched Katherine her coffee twice, complaining that the first batch didn't have enough caramel and it was cold, and spite of the fact that I could see the steam rising from the hole in the plastic container, I rolled my eyes discretely and walked down the street to order another two caramel macchiatos.

I was now sat at my usual work place, the front desk, giggling quietly at something Jamie had said about Katherine being able to squash an entire village of tiny mice with her bottom. There was definitely ups and downs to this job, but one of the ups was definitely being able to hide behind the computers and gossip about our co-workers with Jamie. She really knew how to make a gloomy Monday morning better.

It seemed we hadn't done much today, the usual Monday morning being non-stop phone calls, today seemed quiet, and maybe it had something to do with the fact that the law firm down the road was stealing all our clients. Quite frankly I couldn't find it in myself to pretend to care, I liked a quiet Monday morning as much as the next person. And maybe every other day would be like that too. Or so i could hope.


((This is just the prologue, so I'll try my best to make the chapters a little bit longer than this, but I feel as though I've got a lot better at writing if you read the first few chapters of beware of the frat boy they aren't so great and then you read some of my later chapters and it's gotten better, I hope aha, but I really hope you liked this, let me know :))!! ))

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