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((Just letting you guys know this will have sexual content and mild language later on in the story but right now It won't have much, because when you do your story gets changed to rated R and that means it's harder to find. Bear with me!!))

outfit on the side

suits // two

- Jenna -

After my brief run-in with the mysterious boy, who now had a name, Niall. I couldn't stop yawning, and considering I had work in roughly just under 4 hours I thought it was probably time for me to get going. I made my way to the station, jumping on the subway en route to my small apartment. Knowing that Harley wouldn't be there, therefore there would be no dinner nor any type of food waiting for me, I made a quick stop at a small 24/7 fastfood shop, ordering a chicken and bacon ranch calzone, the perfect meal for a night of hard work and awkward encounters.

When I got home, I plonked my bag and shoes at the door, making my way into the small kitchenette and grabbing a plate to eat my calzone. However, my indulgence in cheap takeout food was cut short when I heard knocking at my door, furrowing my eyebrows once I realised it was roughly 4am and nobody should be here at this time.

I made my way back to the door, opening it to reveal Harley, his arm draped across my neighbour Jacob's shoulder, who seemed to be his only source of balance as he was absolutely plastered, no doubt. "This one was pressing all the buzzers at the bottom of the stairs so I went down t'see who it was and look who I found. I think he belongs to you." He chuckled, his vintage, silver-rimmed glasses making the 42 year old look almost 60.

Harley grumbed as I wrapped his arm around my shoulder, Jacob helping me lay him on the sofa. "I'm so sorry, Jacob." I sighed, slightly embarrassed by my brothers antics.

"Don't worry about it darlin'. You should get some sleep, you look knackered, and by the looks of it so is he." He pointed to Harley, who was now draped across the sofa, 2/4 of his limbs hanging off. He smiled at me before chuckling, I thanked him once more before he left.

Harley opened his eyes, clutching his stomach before pouring his contents onto the wooden floorboards, I scrunched my nose in disgust. He shot me an apologetic look before returning to his silent state of slumber.

I didn't have much of an appetite after I had cleaned up, so I wrapped my food back up and placed in the fridge where Harley or I could have it later. I pulled a blanket over his shivering body before making my way to my room where I pulled my work clothes off and replaced them with a large t shirt. I usually read before I slept, it made me sleepy, but due to staying 5 hours overtime I fell asleep almost instantly.


"Never again will I drink, ever." Harley groaned as I passed him a bottle of water and tablets. I almost laughed at his lie, that was what he had said 2 weeks prior back in Tennessee, but yet again he arrived home, having had one too many and needed to shelter at our dad's before going back to his girlfriend, who without a doubt would have chewed his head off if she found out he was drunk.

"You say that every time." I rolled my eyes, wiping my wet hands on my floral trousers, which I paired with a beige singlet and my cut out chelsea boots."No coffee for me this morning." I joked, running to the bathroom to see where my contact lenses were. I cursed when I found the packet empty. I pulled my glasses from my case and pushed them up to sit on the bridge of my nose.

"You can stay here until you're somewhat alive, there's calzone in the fridge if you want it and you know where the medicine is If you need it. I'm away to work, love you." I pressed a kiss to his cheek before grabbing my handbag and coat.

"love you too!" He called just before I shut the door and made my way to work.

I stopped by a small bagel stand just a five minute walk from Garret & Dunner, ordering a venti coffee (I'd need it to last the day) and a cream cheese bagel. I prayed to god that I didn't have to make another coffee run and that Katherine could pick on someone else to do her dirty work, or even better, hire an assistant. Though I doubt with the amount of clients we were losing that she'd have enough money to do so.

"Jenna!" Someone gushed, I turned around to see Niall and Katherine exiting a limo. Katherine had her sweet voice on, so she was either playing the nice guy infront of Niall or she and him had a lot of fun last night once I left. I didn't want to get images of them in my head, so I opted for the first option, forcing myself to believe so. "I would like you to show Niall here around the firm. I have a meeting in Manhattan in roughly 10 minutes. I better go. Be polite Jenna darling!" She smiled, climbing back into the limo, which I pressume was Niall's before it drove away.

"So, Jenna..."

"This is becoming a thing now isn't it?" He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Me finishing your sentences." I laughed.

"I suppose it is, so. Do you have a last name?"

"I do." I laughed, "Moore."

"Jenna Moore." He nodded, as if testing how my name sounded. I couldn't ignore the slight shiver that ran down my spine as I heard how my name sounded rolling off his tongue, his voice was raspy, coated with a thick Irish accent that could quite obviously send a girl into deep affection. "Care to show me around." He smiled, following me as I made my way into the building, scanning my pass as I went.

"I don't mean to be rude, Mr Horan. But why am I showing you around a law firm in Brooklyn. It's quite obvious you are not from here." I stepped into the elevator, the small space making me immediately feel claustraphobic.

"Call me Niall." he frowned. "No, I am not from here. Moved here around.." He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, counting the years he has lived in the city, "6 years. When I was 19 my family moved here from Ireland for my fathers business. Lived in Manhattan ever since, became a Lawyer and here I am, trying to agree to merge with one of the toughest ladies in the world to work with. She's.. she's something else." He chuckled. But I was still stuck, why would a big-time Manhattan lawyer want to merge with a law firm in Brookyln unless he got something out of it.

"Why this one? We're losing clients, losing money, I only started working here 2 weeks ago and I already have a feeling I might be getting let go." I frowned, leading Niall straight to the coffee room.

"You answered your own question, Jenna. Katherine was a friend of my fathers for a long time. She needed help and here I am. Enough about me, tell me about yourself." He sat down on one of the chairs in the room, picking up one of the stale biscuits and scrunching his nose up.

"I'm supposed to be showing you around, Niall. You'll get me in trouble."

"I know my way around this building with my eyes closed. Now, where you from." He smirked, crossing his legs, his ankle resting over his knee.

"Um, Tennessee. I lived with my dad and his cat, moved here with my brother." I felt uncomfortable sharing my life with this stranger, this very very good looking stranger. "and now I live alone, there isn't much to know."

And quite frankly there wasn't, I was a small-town girl, the only time I'd ever partyed was when my nana had turned 90 and we threw a big party in the barn down the street, the only time I'd ever drank alcohol was when I sneaked out the house with some of my fathers bourbon when I was 15 due to a break up, (which back then felt like the end of the world) Only to realise I didn't infact like the taste of it and ended up just about singeing my eyebrows off when I poured it on the small bonfire I had made. I wasn't a party girl with short dresses and killer heels, I was Jenna. The typical country girl who moved to the city in hopes of living her cliche dream life with her perfect house, amazing job, prince charming, 3 children and a dog called Max. However, so far I was living alone in an apartment complex that did not allow pets and my amazing job was as a dead-end receptionist, but I still had time to find my prince charming, and maybe fall in love too. Or maybe my standards of New York were set too high.


((Idk about this it's kinda poopy but I haven't updated in 4 days and I wanted to write so I did.. I hope you liked it and I hope you're enjoying this story so far! It's still kind of getting into the swing of things I promise it'll get better!! ily all))

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