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Very cliche, but thank you so much for 1K views on this work!!

Here's a few headcanons to give this chapter some other purpose lol:

Venus loves to sing, but never in his life will he tell anyone besides Mars. Why? Because he expects only compliments from him and him only-

Mercury loves Greek Mythology, and Rick Riordan is his favorite author of all time

Earth sometimes calls his fellow planets and their moons as things their names sound similar too:

Mercury: Mermaid-fucccc

Venus: Penus

Luna: LoonyTunes

Mars: Marshmallow-sized di-

Phobos: Phantom shaped thing

Deimos: Die, child.

Jupiter: Jiggle boy (!BFDIA reference!)

Saturn: Sat on my **** (Censored. Tell Earth to be pg13 like goddamn)

Uranus: You know....

Neptune: Tune dude (WARNING: DYSLEXIA)

Pluto: Plu—Where'd he go?

Ceres: Cereal-Killer

Ganymede: Gaymaid

Europa: Europe Wannabe

Io: Sick-O

Callisto: Call me tonight ;) /jkJK

Enceladus: Ensalada

Iapetus: I'm-A-P E T U S (I thought it was pronounced I-YAP-ih-tuss, why'd it gotta be i-ah-PETUS 😭)

Mimas: Mimics

Dione: Die on me.

Tethys: Brush yo goddamn teeth

Rhea: Not Right

Titan: His d!cc sure ain't

Long story short, someone oughta teach Earth a thing or two about respect.

I kinda half-a$sed this, sorry about that-

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