How to lose a girl in 10 days (IV.)

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Jenna played poker with her small circle of friends that night. They were all sitting around her poker table, drinking beer and eating pizza.

'Feel lucky tonight, girls?' Jenna smiled at her friends and threw a blue token in.

'I'm feeling luckier than you 'cause I do not have to sit through a Celine Dion concert' Jasmin threw in two blue tokens.

'That is what true love is all about, my friend.'

'I fold' Maddie put down her cards and took a bite of her pizza.

'I see you two, raise you 50. She's in love with you?' Emma asked, throwing in a few tokens as well.

'Are you kidding me? She's planning the wedding' Jenna sighed.

'Call' Jasmin said.

'Alright, ladies, read them and weep.'

'Got ladies over fours' Jenna put down her cards.

'Damn! I've got nothing' Jasmin groaned.

'I have a three and an ace' Emma exhaled.

'It does not get any better than this' Jenna happily collected all the tokens from the middle of the table.

'Jenna baby, I'm home' Y/N entered the apartment with two big trays in her hands.

With a pizza in her mouth, Jenna looked behind her back and stared at Y/N.

'Hi, honey' Y/N kissed her cheek and walked in the kitchen to grab a few napkins.

'Hey, Y/N' she was definitely not expecting to see the girl there that night.

She turned back to her friends and clenched her eyes shut.

'She has a key? Is that legal?' Emma wondered. She looked just as horrified as Jenna.

'I wasn't expecting you. How'd you get a key?'

'Oh, honey, Francesco, your Super, he made me a copy' Y/N walked to the poker table.

'Francesco, huh? Hmm, alright' Jenna huffed.

'You're not mad, are you, Jenny-Wenny?' She cooed.

'No, I'm not mad.'

'You're not mad? Y/N asked, a little surprised.

'No, no, no, no. I'm not mad.'

'Oh, good' Y/N's eyes fell on Valkyrie wandering around.

A smile spread across her face as she knelt down and softly called to her. The dog trotted over, tail wagging, and she scooped her up gently. She stroked her fur, her fingers tracing gentle circles along her back.

'You know the girls? Emma, Jasmin, Maddie' Jenna pointed towards her friends.

'Oh, yes' Y/N smiled brightly and put the dog down on the poker table.

In an instant, the pup darted across the cards and stacks of chips, scattering them with a gleeful little bark. Cards flew into the air, and chips rolled off the edges of the table.

'Watch out! Hey, hey, hey! No, no, no, no!' All the players groaned.

Jenna reached out in a frantic attempt to corral the excited dog, whose tail wagged furiously, blissfully unaware of the chaos she has caused. She put Valkyrie back on the floor.

'Emma. Oh, hi, Emma' Y/N waved to the girl.

'Jasmin' the girl introduced herself.

'Hello' Y/N smiled politely.

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