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It was graduation day. The day I have been longing for, for the longest time.

Back then, I remember laying in bed, staring at the ceiling as my mind wandered off on its own. I was day dreaming about wearing the navy gown over a beautiful dress that I own, about the bouquets of flowers I would carry in my arms and the 'Congratulations!' cards and teddy bears.  Yet I  had only just started high school a few days ago then. 

Graduation was not as grand as I thought, High School Musical was a lie, I thought to myself. I wasn't drowning with loads of flowers and gifts, only one from my boyfriend Owen, and another from my own family. I was sweating in the graduation gown which was way too short for me, laying only a few inches below my knees. 

Sweat was dripping down my face and back as the sun shone down on us mercilessly, the smell of sweat lingered in the air. Yet, I couldn't help but still smile as my family stood in front of me, dressed in clothes of the brightest colours,  each clad in a unique colour. They had huge smiles plastered across their faces, a proud and genuine smile as Dad gave me a pat on the back.  

We managed to snap a few pictures, where we would stand in a line dressed in the 7 colours of the rainbow, to have something tangible for us to remember my graduation by. 

That was one of the happiest days of my life. My cheeks were sore from how hard I was smiling and my mood was lifted up high. But, little did I know that my happiest day would soon turn into a disaster where I would hit the lowest point of my life, ever.    

Hey guys! I have just published a new book called remember me. Would appreciate if you check it out and show some love <3 Thank you all! 😌

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