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Alexandra's POV

I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. I was greeted by a white ceiling and a small fan circling above my head. The breeze blowing straight at me as I blinked my eyes in confusion.

Where am I?

"Alexandra?" I heard a familiar voice called out and I turned to see Tyler's worried face. "You are finally awake, oh my god, I am so glad," he mumbled as he held onto my hand and placed a kiss on it. He suddenly looked relieved. 

"Tyler," I said, my voice came out weak and hoarse. I tried to sit up but winced in pain as I did so.

He stood up immediately from his seat and put his hand on my back as he put a pillow on the bed rest. "Just lay down, you might not wanna hurt yourself."

I nodded slightly and lay back down onto a soft pillow that was propped on the bed behind me. He leaned forward to give me a small kiss on my forehead once again before he sat back down on the chair.

I looked at Tyler again, and it was only then did I realise that his eyes were red and bloodshot. He looked extremely exhausted. His body was hunched over a little and dark circles were visible. His lips looked chapped and his hair was dishevelled.

"Tyler?" I called out, making him look at me once again, his chocolate brown eyes were no longer shine like they used to. 

"Yeah?" He asked, his voice a little hoarse.

"What happened?" 

"It's my fault," he mumbled. "It's my fault that you are in this state right now. I should have stopped him before he... he stabbed you," he said as he buried his face in his hands. And almost instantly, I felt my heart beating a little faster as he mentioned the stabbing, I can never forget that pain.

It's funny how such a small piece of metal can do such sick and cruel things, that it could possibly take your life away.

"You have been laying here for 2 days Al, your mum is worrried sick and so is your family. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. You almost didn't make it," he said as his voice broke towards the end.

"Tyler... It's not your fault. It's my job as your bodyguard. I had to protect you, and even your family when the need arises. I'm just doing my job."

"Maybe I don't want you to be my bodyguard anymore. I want to be your bodyguard. I want to be the one protecting you."

"Tyler, you know that's just not possible," I replied sadly.

"Why not? I'm your boyfriend now and I need to be the one protecting you. Not the other way around."

"But Tyler I-"

Before I could finish speaking, a doctor walked through the door with a nurse by his side.

"Oh, Miss Francisco, you are awake," the doctor said and I nodded. "I'm sorry sir, I need you to be outside." Tyler simply nodded and left the hospital room as he stood by the window.

After the doctor was done with everything he told the nurse to inform my family about the situation and they left. I lay back down on the bed, closing my eyes to take a rest.

"Al? Want to take a walk?"

"Yeah sure, why not?" I tried to push myself off the bed but pain coursed through my body once again.

A worried expression was plastered across Tyler's face. He rushed next to me and lifted me up by scooping me up with his arms and placed me on the wheelchair. I gave him a grateful smile before he pushed me out of the hospital room.

Slowly, he pushed me to the park near the hospital. I looked around to see other patients being wheeled around or walking around the park. The trees swayed along with the cool wind and soft chattering filled the place. It felt so peaceful, so serene. For a moment, I had forgotten everything bad in my life.

Tyler had stopped right next to a bench which gave us a nice view of the pond, situated right in the middle of the park, surrounded by flowers and bushes. The water glistened under the sunlight, making the water shine effortlessly. I watched as Tyler took a seat on the bench and looked at the pond ahead of us.

"Nice huh?" 

"Yeah, it is."

We lapsed into comfortable silence, just us admiring the beautiful sunset. Specks of pink and orange decorated the evening sky as we watched the sun set slowly, the bright illuminating light slowly fading as time past.

I turned to look at Tyler to see that he was already looking at me. My lips naturally twitched upward into a genuine smile.

Tyler scooted closer to me and interlocked his hand in mine, as his brown eyes bored into mine.

"You know, I just realised how important every day is. How important you are to me. How I should cherish everyone around me because you never when they might just leave you. You never know if this could be the last goodbye or the last time I might see you. I almost went crazy the day you were admitted into the hospital. I was so afraid that I'm going to lose you. And I can't let that happen," he said as he tucked a piece of stray hair to the back of my ear.

"Alexandra Francisco, I love you."

It was right then when I probably melted into a puddle. My cheeks flushed a little red as I registered what he said. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss square on the lips. As I pulled away, I looked him in his eyes and squeezed his hand even tighter.

"I love you too and I can never imagine a day without you."

Tyler had pushed me back into my room and helped me got on my bed.

"Sweetheart, rest here alright? I will get something for you. Don't tell the nurse or doctor that I'm sneaking food in for you," he informed as he shot me a playful wink.

"Will do," I said as I shot another wink back at him to which he responded with a smirk before he left the room. I closed my eyes and lay back down on the bed as I enjoyed the peace and quietness. It was not for long though, I heard the door clicked open and soft footsteps approaching me.

That was fast.

"Tyler?" I called out and turned around to see Tyler's mum instead. "Oh, it's you."

"Not happy to see me?" She asked, still standing by the door, her purse poised in front of her cobalt blue dress as she raised an eyebrow at me. 

"No, of course not," I spat out, forcing a smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, sitting down right next to me, a small smile graced her red lips. 

"Could be better."

"Well, alright. Anyway, I came in here because I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it about?" 

"I know you saved my life, but that does not mean I approve of you and Tyler. Thank you though, I must say. But leave Tyler, we are not on the same level honey. I will find him another bodyguard, it is only for the best."

Then she stood up and left the room.

It is only for the best.

Hey lovely readers of 'Crossed'! :D Thank you so much for the 4k reads and 700 over votes, it's crazy. Your support means the world to me

I hope you enjoy the story so far! It's still quite far from the end actually haha but I will be updating thrice a week since my exams are finally over yay! haha

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan if you enjoy this chap! :)

Much love,
Rachel xx

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