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With the same crumpled piece of card in my hand, I looked up to see a tall black building standing right in front of me only to strain my neck a little. I squinted my eyes just a little to read the sign above me, ensuring that I got the right place. Upon seeing that I got the right place, I wiped a bead of sweat that was trickling down my forehead.

"Well, here goes nothing," I muttered softly under my breath. Taking in one deep breath, I stepped into the building and was greeted by a gust of cool wind which ruffled my neatly combed hair. I quickly combed through my hair with my fingers gently and tugged at the dark navy blazer I borrowed from Chelsea.

Everything in the building screamed expensive. I awed at the interior design of the building as I let my curious eyes wander about. I looked up to see a large crystal chandelier hanging above me, right in the middle of the first floor, its warm yellow light lighting up the place just a little more. Just below it was a classic black water fountain that was decorated with patterns that resembled waves. Water leapt high up, a few inches high, defying gravity for a mere few seconds before it fell back into the fountain gracefully.

The long black carpet rolled out ahead of me, paving the way towards the concierge. My heels clicked softly against the shiny white marble floor below me as I made my way towards it. I was about a few meters away when I heard felt a tap on my shoulder, making me jump a little in shock. I turned around to come face to face with an unfamiliar-looking man dressed in formal attire. It was then that I noticed that it's one of the guards.

"Sorry, we need to do a quick check," the guard in a black suit told me. "For safety purposes, you know," he added with a small smile.

"Oh okay, sure." I easily made my way to the entrance, making his job easier. But just when I thought that nothing could possibly go wrong, a loud beeping noise reverberated throughout the place, causing every curious eye to be fixed on me. Before I could utter a word, all the guards turned to me and had their guns pointing at me, except they weren't fake like Nathan's.

I stood rooted to the ground, not knowing what to do as my eyes widened to the size of a saucer. One bullet was all it takes for me to collapse to the ground lying dead. My body was shaking, not from the cold air blasting at me, but from the fear.

"Put your hands up!" Someone demanded and I quickly obeyed, raising my arms up.

"I swear I have nothing on me!"

"Go check her!" One of the guards ordered, pointing a finger at me.

I let the guard checked me as I stood there, heart racing faster than the best racing car in the world. He reached into my back pocket and pulled something out. I heard the familiar jingling sound and instantly I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Oh, it's just her keys," the guard said, raising my keys up high for the rest to see before handing it back to me.

Instantly, the guns that were once pointed at me were now placed down (away from me) and safely tucked away. The guard turned to me with an apologetic smile, guilt evident in his eyes. I was so close to peeing myself right there and then. "Well, I'm truly sorry Miss, sorry for the inconvenience caused. Just don't carry any metal things with you the next time," he advised.

Inconvenience? Well, that is the understatement of the year.

Instead, I nodded quietly, my heart still thumping vigorously against my chest at the thought of all the guns pointing right at me just a minute ago. "It's okay."

It's so not okay. I could have died from a heart attack.

I gave the guard a small smile before scurrying off to the concierge once again. "Hi, how may I help you?" The lady behind the counter greeted with a demure smile. Her honey blonde hair was pulled into a neat bun without any baby hair sticking out. She wore a bright red lipstick colour that made her blue eyes popped.

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