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Before I could push him away, Tyler had already closed the gap between us and my eyes grew wide open in shock and surprise as I stared at his closed eyes. My whole body went numb and for a moment I didn't know how to react. 

After a few moments, he finally pulled away. His eyes fluttered open, his brown eyes boring into mine as he lifted his thumb off my lips. He had a sheepish grin on his face, amusement dancing in his eyes as he looked into my shocked ones. 

We didn't kiss after all. He had his thumb on my lips the whole time.

"I'm sorry about that," Tyler said nonchalantly, the smile still plastered across his face.

"What was that for?" I managed to choke out after what felt like an eternity.

"I didn't want them to see me," was all he said. Those words swirled in my head as my curiosity run wild. But he did not elaborate any further. Instead, I was greeted by silence. 

 "Who are those people?" I told myself I shouldn't probe but I still found myself asking even though I knew he wouldn't answer me. As soon as those words left the tip of my tongue, I watched as anger filled his eyes before me, his jaws tightened and his hands were clenched by his sides.

But the anger quickly faded away as he shook his head lightly as if to pretend he wasn't affected. "It's nothing," he simply said, like what I expected. 

"Oh, oh okay. Sure," I mumbled reluctantly as I nodded my head.

Once again, we were back in the car and silence settled among us. As usual, I found myself looking out of the window, admiring the trees that we drove by. I let my eyes scan the unfamiliar sights for a while before I decided to break the silence. "Tyler?" I called out and he whipped his head around to look at me, jutting his chin out a little as if to signal for me to continue. "Where are we going? Don't tell me this is one of your stupid tests again..."

"No..." He drawled. "It's not one of my stupid tests," Tyler said with an exaggerated eye roll. 

"So, where are we going?"

"Well, you are about to find out right," he muttered under his breath as he parked at one of the empty spots. He had turned to face me, a smile etched onto his face after killing the engines.

"Where is this?" I asked, but really I was just mumbling to myself. My curious eyes wandered around the vast parking lot, only a few cars scattered across the place. I looked up to see an old building situated right in front of my eyes. Upon closer look, I noticed how paint was peeling off the walls and graffiti decorated these plain cream walls. The place was eerily quiet, only occasional cheers coming from inside the place which startled me the very first time.  

"You'll see," was all he said as he let a smirk morphed itself onto his lips.

"Ugh, I hate it when people do that!" I cried out which only made his smirk grow wider.

"Come on! Hurry up!" Tyler urged as I lagged behind him, my feet dragging along the rough pavement. 

I let out a loud sigh before perking up. "Coming!" I exclaimed before running towards Tyler, my body slamming into his back as I failed to stop in time. 

"Watch where you are going, Miss."

I rolled my eyes dramatically and pushed him even harder but on purpose this time round, just for the sake of it. I watched as his legs gave way, causing him to stumble a little while I let out an evil laugh.

Tyler's eyes narrowed at me, as I continued laughing. And like the kid that he is, he decided to push me as well, making me stumble a little but I managed to regain my balance.

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