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The morning sunlight peeked through the small gaps in between the blinds and my eyes naturally fluttered open. I was squinting for a while at the sudden brightness before realising I was greeted by an unfamiliar environment.

The walls were painted a shade of dark blue and brown leather decor decorated the vast space. And I was laying in a bed that was definitely not mine.

My curious eyes that were once scanning the surroundings finally landed on a boy laying right beside me on the very same bed, his arm draped across my body. "Ahh!" I screamed in shock. I jolted backwards, falling off the bed and landed on the dark wooden floor with a loud thud.  


The boy was now wide awake, his eyes staring right into mine in surprise and confusion as I rubbed my back, the pain still lingering. "What's going on?" He had asked, his eyebrows furrowed together as he ran a hand through his messy bed hair that was sticking up in every which way. "Ugh, my head hurts," he muttered under his breath.

"Tyler! It's you!" I screamed, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Why were we sleeping on the same goddamn bed together?"  

"I don't know. You tell me," he responded with a casual shrug but a smirk had morphed itself onto his face, nothing new.  

My eyes widened as I glared at him. The audacity.  The glare did not last long before I fell quiet as the realisation hit me and fear soon overwhelmed me. "Did we..." I whispered softly while trailing off, my eyes averting to look anywhere else but him. My heart was palpitating at lightning speed as I waited for his reply. 

"You know, if you didn't already realise, you are fully clothed," Tyler merely pointed out with an eyebrow raised. "And no, we did not."

"But you are half-naked!"

"And the problem is...?"

"You are half-naked!" I repeated again, yelling even louder this time. 

"Stop yelling Alexandra."

"No, I was not," I mumbled quietly this time as I looked down at my wringing hands.

"Yes. You did," he said with an incredulous look on his face as I sat on the floor staring up at him blankly, my mind still registering the situation as I recall yesterday's events.

"I am going to go," I announced and quickly stood up to leave the room. As soon as I had pushed the door open, I was greeted by Kyle who just so happen to walk by the very second I walked out. I watched as he stopped short in his tracks and looked at me as if I had grew another head.

"What?" I asked as I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Did you just walk out of Tyler's room?" He asked, his eyes darting between me and the door behind me.


"You know, if the two of you had sex I would be totally fine with that," Kyle said with a playful wink. "We are all grown adults here, I won't judge."

My eyes were bulging out of my eye sockets in disbelief as I looked at Kyle, thrown into a coughing fit.

"What the hell did you just say?" I finally managed to say after recovering from all that coughing.

"I said I would be totally fine if you and Tyler had se-"

"Don't say it! I heard you the first time!"

"Then why did you-"

"It was meant to be a rhetorical question!"

"Okay, okay calm down Al. I was joking," Kyle said as he raised his arms up in mock surrender, an amused smile lingering on his face. "Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready."

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