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Owen's concerned face came into view on the computer screen before me as I began coughing hysterically.  "Are you okay?" He asked as he watched me intently from the other side of the screen. 

I had finally looked up with teary eyes, nodding before reaching for a cup of warm water that was sitting at the bedside table. "I'm fine," I managed to say after taking a big gulp of water.

"Are you sure?" He asked, leaning forward a little to examine my face. "You don't look fine to me. In fact, you look pretty pale babe," he pointed out, a small frown etched on his face.

"Huh, I could still look pretty when I'm pale," I joked.

"Not funny Al," he deadpanned but still cracked a small smile nonetheless. "I'm serious, you look sick. You shouldn't even be at work today. Take a day off or something."

"It is no big deal babe. Don't worry, I will just eat some medicine and I will be fine. Besides, I am resting in bed now," I reassured as I gave him another smile. 

"Alright," he conceded, giving me a small pout which made me chuckle in response.

"Come on Owen, don't be sad, I am fine."

"Promise me you will take care of yourself?" He requested as he stuck his pinky finger out, holding it close to the camera and I can't help but let a smile fall on my face as I reciprocated the gesture.

"I promise."

I watched as Owen leaned forward to place a kiss on the camera, a habit of ours ever since we started dating. I always thought that it was silly but I eventually still mirrored his action.

"How I wish you were really here," he mumbled to himself with a soft sigh.

"Me too. I will talk to you soon alright?" I said giving him a smile of my own. "Bye Owen!" I exclaimed, shooting a flirty wink and a small wave before a laugh escaped my lips at the thought of it.

"Bye Al," he said, sending me a seductive wink in return as he bit his lower lip dramatically, making me burst out in laughter. And seconds later, the screen turned black and I set the laptop back on the desk it was originally on. 

I finally made my way downstairs after lying in bed the whole morning since Kyle and Tyler insisted. I looked around to see that the entire living room was empty, Tyler and Kyle were nowhere in sight. I looked down at my watch and assumed that they must have headed out lunch or something. "Alright then," I mumbled to myself. And soon, I found myself ransacking the cupboards and drawers to find some cough medicine.

"Looking for something?" I heard a familiar voice rang behind me, making me jump a little. 

I immediately whipped my head around to find Kyle standing in front of me, clad in a plain white shirt and black shorts that stopped right above his knees. "Oh my god, you scared me," I declared, reaching out to hit him on his arm playfully to which he responded with a deep chuckle. 

"My bad," he laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling together. "So, what do you need?"

"Actually, I'm looking for some cough medicine," I answered and my hands naturally go back to scouring for the medicine with my back slightly hunched over. I was still busy searching when I noticed Kyle already approaching me from the corner of my eye. 

"Here," he said as he handed the box of cough tablets over to me, gently putting it in my hand. I thanked him with a grateful smile plastered across my face before pouring myself a glass of water and popping the tablet into my mouth. 

"Much better. I will see you later, Kyle." I spun on my heels, just about to walk away when Kyle called out to me once again.

"Alexandra!" I turned around to see him standing there with a nervous smile spread across his face while I cocked an eyebrow at him. "I got something for you," he announced out of nowhere, catching me by surprise.

"You got something for me? What is it?" I asked and I watched him scratched the back of his neck while the other free hand reached for his back pocket to take something out.

"This is for you," he said shyly as he passed me a piece of neatly folded paper. "I figured it would be useful for you. In case you still get lost in this house or when you need to find something," he mumbled under his breath as he averted eye contact. 

I carefully opened the piece of paper to reveal a hand-drawn map of this very mansion I'm in, with the necessary details of where everything important are at. I let my eyes scan the paper I am holding in my hands as a smile graced my lips. He was right, I do still get lost in this enormous place even though it was already my second week here. 

"Kyle... You didn't have to. Thank you so much!" I exclaimed excitedly, beaming as I pulled him into a hug which probably caught him by surprise. I threw my arms around him and his body stiffened significantly upon contact. It was only after what felt like an eternity that he finally reached up to return the hug.

"It was nothing."

"Ahem!" A loud voice boomed from behind us all of a sudden, interrupting the moment.  I quickly whipped my head around to find Tyler standing by the couch with one arm propped on top of it. I watched as amusement danced in his eyes, a lazy smirk etched on his face, evident that he had just witnessed the whole exchange between Kyle and I. He continued staring at us for a few more moments before striding towards us with his long legs.

He had stopped right before me, his eyes watching me with a hint of playfulness before he reached out to grab me by my forearm as he pulled me away from Kyle. "I'm sorry man, I need to borrow her for a moment!" He announced loudly and Kyle merely shrugged in response.

The grip around my arm tightened as I protested. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?" I demanded even as he continued pulling me along till we were decently far away from where Kyle was at. 

I only glared at him as he let go of my arm. "You could have just asked me to walk here you know?" I snapped.

"Would you?"



"So what do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you, is there a problem babe?" He asked, shooting me a wink. On instinct, I raised my fist up to punch him in his arm but he reached out and caught hold of my fist in his hand. I watched as a smirk morphed itself onto his face. "Woah, woah. Calm down."

I took in one deep breath. "I am calm," I declared, giving him an artificial smile.

"Look, I just want you to know that there should be no funny business in this house," he tried to say sternly this time but glee was still shining bright in his chocolate brown eyes, as he tried to stifle a laugh.

"Are you talking about the hug?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him while he nodded.

"What are you? 12? All we did was hug, and he deserved it for being so sweet and thoughtful."

"I can be sweet and thoughtful too," I heard Tyler mumbled softly under his breath.

"Hmm..." I pretended to contemplate as I tilted my head upwards slightly and rubbed the bottom of my chin. "No. But you can be a jerk sometimes though."

"What was that?" Tyler asked, as his eyebrow shot skyward.

"I said you can be a jerk sometimes," I responded with a smug smile plastered across my face. And just as those words tumbled out of my mouth, I watched as his eyes narrowed at me and his lips twitched upwards into a playful smirk.

It was then all hell broke loose.

Aloha! Thanks for reading chapter 13 of Crossed! I love all of you a ton <3 I hope you enjoy this chapter and let's see if anyone can guess what's gonna happen ;)
And don't you think that Kyle is such a sweetie? Cause I think he is.
Also, thanks for the 360 reads and 70 votes! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZE BALLS (yes I just said... typed that xD)
Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share! I will appreciate it
p.s. I update every Monday and Friday
Much love,
Rachel xx

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