Chapter XXIX: The Concealed Truth

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    It has been days after Christmas. Betty thinks Johnny was old enough to learn he was adopted, so she goes to him and talks to him gently. The young prince was shocked and devastated. Betty thought that he wouldn't run away because of his loyalty, but indeed he really had the guts to leave his mother. Johnny runs away heartbroken to Sapphira for guidance and support. Johnnny arrives downtown to Sapphira's residence. She immediately comforts him as he was given a cup of tea to warm up. As he slowly told the concealed truth, Sapphira was touched and just reminded him that she will be always there for him no matter what. On that day, Johnny finally accepted the truth and moved on. He phones his mother to apologize to her and finally goes home.

     8 months later, Johnny informs Betty that he will be going out with Sapphira. Ron was just about to be released from the hospital. He was covered live on TV, threatening Nicole. Sadly, Ron reports that he has not remembered anything at all. He just knows that someone else did the crime and that his son was inncocent. As his interview with the media progresses, he also stated that a man tried to help him escape and the guy even stated that he can't stand watch someone die in a brutal way. This angers Nicole in to thinking that one of his henchmen actually helped her victim escape instead of making sure the bomb was secure. She gets agitated that one of her henchmen betrayed her and angrily plots a diabotical masterplan. She then plans of making a copycat crime that was so large and worth remembering...

     With Ron all well and Spencer released, the family plans ahead for the twin's 20th birthday. After Nicole hears from Johnny that the twins are having their party at each of the towers, she plans to recreate the infamous September 11 Attacks that happened nearly 35 years ago in New York and Washington.

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