Detective Blaine's eyes narrowed as he sat across from Sarah in his office.
"Sarah, you could have killed him as well. Heck I even have proof," he said, his voice firm.
Sarah's heart skipped a beat. "What kind of evidence?"
Blaine slid a folder across the table. "A security camera caught you buying bleach at the hardware store the day of Juke's death."
Sarah's eyes widened. "That's right. I was cleaning the garage."
Blaine's expression turned skeptical. "Why clean an already cleaned room Sarah?"
Sarah felt a chill run down her spine. "I wanted to. Is there a problem with that?"
"No". Blaine leaned forward. "Sarah, we have motive – your husband's infidelity."
Sarah's face burned. "That's not true! Juke would never cheat on me."
Blaine's gaze locked onto hers. "Have you forgotten about Blair?"
"Who the hell is Blair?"
Detective Blaine turned a few pages in Sarah's notebook and stopped at 21st October.
"Listen to this. October 21st blah-blah-blah I'll just skip to the useful part. Ah! Here it is. It reads : I'm so furious with Juke, how could he cheat on me with her of all people? I would kill the both of them if I had the chance."
Sarah's expression turned fearful. "Juke cheated on me with Blair. I remember now, Blair was Jamin's Biology teacher, she had an affair with Juke just a few months ago. I must have forgotten."
"Seems like a pretty good reason to delete someone to me."
Sarah's voice trembled. "You think I killed Juke?"
Blaine's expression was cold. "I don't. You remember I told you about the bottle of bleach we found. Yes, lucky where it was thrown was in view of a security camera."
Sarah asked in a haste. "Can I see the video?"
"Why not?", Blaine fired up his laptop and began to play the security footage. In the footage a man was shown throwing the bottle of bleach into the river then from the bushes rustling was heard.
When the man went to check it out Sarah came running out of the bushes and accidentally dropped her pen and notebook, however, the man tackled her to the ground and knocked her unconscious then dragged her out of the cameras view.
"That's all we have. So you aren't the one that killed him but you saw the one that did and the information we need to find that man was in your notebook. Unfortunately the pages were torn out."
"Something is wrong here", Sarah pointed out.
"What's wrong?", Blaine asked.
"Its all two convincing. Look, I remember there is another shorter route to the river but he used this one. The route that is next to a grocery shop with security cameras, why go through all the trouble to do that?", Sarah thought. Her observation was well thought out.
Blaine pondered over it and in a second he figured it out.
" Where are your kids Sarah?"
Sarah looked confused. "They are home but Jamin is at a friend's house. What's wrong?"
"Whoever did this to Juke is very clever. Look at this, first the placement of the river. Why throw the bottle of bleach into the river if you knew due to the currents it would go back to the victims house? Second, the video just as you said he would have avoided using the grocery shop route. But he did away even though there were cameras."
Sarah looked at the ceiling in utter shock because she was coming to the same realisation as Detective Blaine.
Blaine continued. "Third. Your notebook, why not destroy the entire notebook instead of a few pages? Also why bring it back to you? The answer to these questions is quite simple."
Sarah locked her gaze onto Blaine's. "Whoever is doing this wants us to find them."
"Bingo!", Detective Blaine applauded. " I suspect this person wants you Sarah. It's a fun game he wants to play and you are the main character, Sarah."
Sarah's expression turned fearful. "A game. What game?"
"I'm not sure. But do me a favour, would ya? Go home and look after your kids and yourself. I have reason to suspect that this man isn't done with you."
Sarah left the station in complete fear and worry.
Who is this man? What does he want? Would he try to get to her first or her children? Will Jamin, Lisa and Favour be okay? What will she do to stop him?
Sarah began to feel depressed as more questions flooded her head. She immediately got her notebook and checked for where she had put her medication.
Unfortunately, she left it at home and Sarah had to wait for the bus to reach her house.
When she entered the house Sarah searched but she still couldn't find them. A few minutes later, Favour approached Sarah asking for something to eat so Sarah went to the kitchen to make for her some apple slices and lemon tea.
Sarah's mind was still in shambles and her hands began to shake vigorously.
Sarah couldn't cut the Apples in the way that Favour liked them because of her shaking hands but she still tried to.
While cutting only a few Apple slices Sarah accidentally cut herself deeply but she did not scream in order to not alarm her children. Without badging herself she continued to cut enough Apple slices then she felt tremendous pain as she was making lemon tea.
Someone touched Sarah's shoulder and she hit the person who did and they fell to the floor. Sarah looked at them and noticed that it was her son, Jamin.
Sarah dropped to her knees began to cry.
Jamin held Sarah's hands and badged them up. After he was done he got a cup of water and some medication and gave it to Sarah.
Jamin looked at Sarah sincerely. "I'll get you something to keep your meds with a timer. I also have a recorder for you so that you don't rip pages out from you notebook I think it would be better that way."
Sarah gave Jamin a warm hug. " Thank you."
" Don't worry mum we are all right here for you."

Mystery / ThrillerSarah, a young detective in her twenties began to develop traits of being bipolar. She was unfortunately forced to step down from her position, she eventually got married and had three kids but things got worse when her disorder began to manifest co...