The ambulance screeched to a halt outside the emergency room, and Jake was quickly wheeled inside. Laura, who had been frantically searching for her husband, rushed into the hospital lobby, her eyes wild with worry.Sarah, who had been waiting anxiously, quickly stood up and rushed over to her sister. "Laura", Sarah said, trying to calm her sister down.
Laura's eyes were brimming with tears. "Where's Jake? I need to see him."
Sarah gently took Laura's arm and led her over to a quiet corner of the lobby. "The doctors are with him now," Sarah explained. "We just have to wait."
Laura nodded, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Sarah sat down beside her, putting a comforting arm around her shoulders.
"What happened to him?", Laura asked, her eyes flooding."I was on at a Cafe and he called me, I barely understood what he said but before I could ask him to explain he crashed into a car. He was on the highway moving at high speeds. Luckily he isn't in the verges of dying he just received some major injuries but they aren't fatal."
Laura sighed in relief, the thought of losing her husband left her. Sarah and Laura then sat in the lobby.
As they waited, Laura turned to Sarah with a determined look on her face. "Sarah, I need to tell you something," Laura said. "We noticed something peculiar about your pills, they were odd so we did some research."
Sarah's eyes widened. "What did you find?"
Laura hesitated before speaking. "We discovered that the medication you're being given is actually supposed to treat schizophrenia."
Sarah's eyes widened in shock. "What? That doesn't make any sense."
Laura nodded. "Yes that would mean that you are schizophrenic. So for some time we believed it but it bothered me that you didn't act like you were schizophrenic. So I dug to the bottom of how you were moved from bipolar to schizophrenic."
Sarah leaned forward, her heart racing with anticipation. "What did you find."
Laura's voice was barely above a whisper. "That you are neither of the two."
Sarah's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped with shock. "What do you mean Laura?"
Laura's expression was grim. "You have Illness Anxiety Disorder. You perceive yourself to be Bipolar because that is what you have been told and treated. So you brain is taking that misinformation and making it reality, that is why you show signs of being Bipolar but you aren't."
Sarah couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was lied to, her life miserable for no reason.
"I'm not bipolar?" Sarah asked, her voice shaking with anger.
Laura nodded. " I'm sorry you have a sister in that field and I didn't help. Forgive me. That period when Dad died you got depressive because you had to care for me too. Someone signed you as bipolar from there."
Sarah's mind was racing with questions and doubts. She felt like her whole world changed in an instant. "Who said I was Bipolar?"
"It was Dr. Lee", Laura said.
Sarah raged. " My therapist are you joking? It can't be her!"
"Your therapist was actually a psychiatrist. She was the one who evaluated you as bipolar at the time after Tamani's death. The one before during your depression was just a mishap. A mistake of documents and because of your actual illness you believed it."
Sarah's power left her as she sat back down on her chair. The woman who she had poured her heart to, the woman she trusted secrets and feelings was actually the one caused everything.
Sarah immediately rushed out of the hospital and decided to go see Dr. Lee but Laura tried to talk her out of it unfortunately, she could not persuade Sarah.
Meanwhile Jamin walked through the psychiatric ward's garden, the warm sun shining down on his face. He had been searching for Dostoevsky everywhere, and finally, he had received a tip that he might be found in the garden.
As Jamin turned a corner, he spotted Dostoevsky kneeling in the dirt, a small trowel in his hand. He was planting flowers, his face intent on the task at hand.
Jamin approached him quietly, not wanting to startle him. "Dostoevsky?" he said softly.
The man looked up, a hint of a smile on his face. "Ah, boy. I've been expecting you."
Jamin raised an eyebrow. "You are the key to saving my mother I need you to help me."
Dostoevsky nodded. "I know. Come, join me."
Jamin hesitated for a moment, but then he knelt down beside Dostoevsky. He handed him a small trowel.
"Planting flowers can be very therapeutic," Dostoevsky said, his eyes twinkling. "Tell me boy, what is it that you most desire?"
Jamin took the trowel and began to plant the flowers, the cool dirt feeling soothing beneath his fingers. "Right now it's saving my mother. But I want to live."
"I can feel you heart breaking, I know you don't have much time" Dostoevsky said. "You are my opposite boy. I seek death."
Jamin looked up, surprised. "Why?"
Dostoevsky smiled. "Because I am tired of living. When I moved here from Russia I sought a new life, the dream life, two kids a wife and lots of money. And I had that for such a brief moment. After the accident, I had to recover for four months, for four months I was badged up. But when the time came to remove them, I was hideous, my children couldn't look at me neither could my wife. I suffered so much. "
Jamin looked away, feeling a heaviness in his throat. "I know suffering, Dostoevsky. I'm in my own realm of it right now.
"But yet you still wish you live. Why not wish to die?", Dostoevsky asked.
"Dying seems like an easy way out but you leave very important people behind. Even though I won't be here I want to make sure that I try to make everyone safe."
"Why is that boy?"
" Because it still shows that I'm human."
Dostoevsky's expression was compassionate. "In the bible murder is a grave sin", he said. "I'm beyond redemption but I hope you aren't you seem like a good kid."
"Thanks Dostoevsky", Jamin said.
"There's a very powerful man here, I've never seen him nor spoken to him directly. He has easy access to John. I heard he has an enmity with your family. If there's anyone who wants to kill your mother it's probably him."

Mystery / ThrillerSarah, a young detective in her twenties began to develop traits of being bipolar. She was unfortunately forced to step down from her position, she eventually got married and had three kids but things got worse when her disorder began to manifest co...