Chapter 28: Hide and Seek

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Week 7 Wednesday
Bailey's POV
"We're gonna smash Cook and Einstein! For sure!" Atlas said confidently. "You wish! Einstein is so good! We're doing so well this year! We'll win the house cup for sure!" Elton said back. Elton was house captain of Einstein last year. They're doing good this year and Arthur's now the house captain of Einstein. I'm house captain of Cook this year. Stewart and Zane are also in Cook and Atlas is in Freeman. Today we're doing hide and seek. Half of each house are seekers and the other half are hiders. Whichever house has the last hider standing wins. "Cook's got it in the bag. Bailey and Zane, back me up here." Stewart said. "Yeah! We're going to do so good! You'll be sorry when we whoop your butts!" Zane said very enthusiastically. "Go Cook! Woo!" Gypsy and Paisley said as they walked by. "Hey! Even your girlfriend agrees!" I said. "Well duh. She is literally in Cook and used to be house captain last year." He said. "Cloud's in Freeman." Zane randomly said. We nod. Lunch time is a big anticipation time. We have to have lunch with our house in our respective meeting rooms. Which means takeaway trays. A cheese toasted sandwich, an apple, some peas, one of those canned Dine treats and some coffee. I need caffeine currently. It's put into my takeaway tray and I head down to the library. I sit with Gypsy, Stewart and Zane. Cindy sits down next to Gypsy. Once everyone arrives we start chatting and game planning. "Alright we need to divide the house into hiders and seekers. I feel like cats and small dogs should be the majority of our hiding team." I say. "Why?" Cindy asks. "Because we're smaller. Easier to hide." I explain. She nods and we sort it all out. We're so ready for hide and seek. After lunch all the seekers chosen are taken outside while the rest of us have 15 minutes to hide. I'm not sure where to hide. Should I hide in my locker? I could try. I go to my locker and unlock it. In my bag shelf maybe? I'll just have to move my bag over. I fit! But how am I going to lock this? I should call Gypsy. "Hey." She says when she picks up my call. "Can you lock my locker door?" "Um sure?" "Thanks." I then hang up. She comes not long after. "Woah. Good hiding spot." She says. I hand her the locker keys. "Call me when you want to get out or are stuck." She said. "What if you're still hiding though?" I ask. "Good point." She has a long good think. "Text me instead. I'll put my phone on no alerts for messages." She said. She locks my door. "Bye." She whispers and walks off. I trust Gypsy with my locker keys. She's responsible, she won't lose them. I text her,

Me: where are you hiding?
Gypsy: in the cafeteria kitchen.
Me: how'd you get in?! I thought they shut the window and locked the door!
Gypsy: oh I just asked one of the teachers. I'm hiding behind the fridge.

I text Stewart.
Me: where are you hiding?
Stewart: under some cushions on the library couches. How about you?
Me: my locker.
Stewart: cool.

After what seems like forever waiting, thee announcement goes through the speaker. "Fifteen minutes is up hiders, the seekers will now start seeking! Good luck! And remember, last found is the winner for their house!" VPF says. Pffft. No one's going to find me in here. I even have snacks! Ha! I hear someone walk past. I hear their voices - it's Duke and Kane. They're in Einstein. "Should we split up or stick together?" Duke asks Kane. "Spilt up. Cover more ground." Kane replies. Their deep voices are too noticeable. They walk off. Don't even suspect a thing! Haha! No one's going to find me! I hear cats and dogs walk past a bit more frequently than I thought I would. I start to feel a sneeze coming on. If I sneeze, someone will hear me. "Achoo!" I sneeze quietly. "Did you hear that?" Butkus says. "Hear what?" Thor asks him. "I heard a sneeze." Those two are in Darwin I'm pretty sure. "I reckon you're hearing things." Then they walk off. How?! I'm too good! I'm here for a good 10 minutes and then I suddenly feel the urge to pee. Shoot. I didn't go to the bathroom before I went to hide. I'm really busting now. ARGH! What do I do?! Text Gypsy.

Me: help!
Gypsy: what? What's happened? I haven't been found yet.
Me: I need to go to the bathroom, what do I do?
Gypsy: hold it or get caught. What matters more to you? Getting the win or going to the bathroom?
Me: I'll hold it. How will I even get out anyway without you getting out in the process.
Gypsy: you're right.

Waiting waiting and waiting. I need to go really badly. Maybe if I eat something it'll go away? I have a muesli bar in here I know I do.  I turn to the right a little and unzip the first pocket on my bag. Yes! A choc chip muesli bar. This is perfect.   I unwrap it. I hear footsteps stop. Oops. Should've been more careful unwrapping. I hear a gasp. "Someone must be hiding in the lockers!" I hear Emerald's voice say. She's from beethoven. She knows, but she doesn't know where it came from. "Not Arthur.." she's looking in the lockers! Oh no! "Not Atlas..." SHE'S ALREADY AT ATLAS'?!  His is right next to mine! I see Emereld. She looks in through the peep hole. "Aha! Bailey I found you! I found Bailey from Cook!" I hear Mishka's wheels coming. "Huh? Where'd you find him?" Mishka asks. She's probably confused. "He's in the locker!" Emerald exclaimed. Mishka looks in through the peep hole. "Ha. He is too." She says. "Come out Bailey already! You know you've been found!" Emerald says. "I can't! I gave my key to one of the hiders in Cook. I don't know if they've been found yet." I explained. "Who did you give it too?" Mishka asks me. "Let me text them." I whip my phone out.

Me: Gypsy, you been found yet?
Gypsy: nope, how about you?
Me: yeah I've been found. Can't get out though.
Gypsy: I can't give up my spot though... can you wait by any chance?
Me: yeah okay. But as soon as your found, please pretty please come and get me out
Gypsy: I promise, who found you?
Me: Emerald.

"They're still hiding." I say. "Well guess I'll have to find them." Emerald sighs. "I'm putting a sticky note on your door so others know you've been found on your locker, Kay?" She says. "Okay?" Emerald and Mishka go off in different directions. Okay I really need to get out of here. Should've given it to someone seeking, shoot.

Cindy's POV
I'm a seeker. My phone is buzzing. What is going on?

Bailey: need help.
Cindy: with what?
Bailey: got found.
Cindy: and? What am I supposed to do?
Bailey: find Gypsy.
Cindy: what?
Bailey: I got gypsy to lock my locker with me in it. She's hiding in the cafeteria kitchen
Cindy: but the kitchen is locked? Isn't it?
Bailey: not now. Gypsy got in it. Grab the key from her, come to my locker and get me out
Cindy: fine.

I'm bored anyways and having not a lot of luck. I head to the cafeteria. I go through the door to the kitchen. It is unlocked. "Gypsy." I whisper. "Gypsy it's me Cindy." I whisper again. Gypsy pokes her head out behind the fridge. She looks confused. "Can I have Bailey's locker keys?" I whisper. She nods. I go to her and she gives them to me, trying to be as quiet as we can. I take them and I go out of the cafeteria kitchen. "The kitchen's open?" Millie gives me a fright. Millie's in Freeman, play it cool, she can't find out Gypsy's in there. "Yeah. No one's in there. Just checked it." Millie nods. She walks past me. I turn around to her. "Where are you going?" I ask her. "In here. To check." She says. "I wouldn't if I was you, you're just wasting time." I say. She nods. "Just want to make sure. You may have not checked hard enough or someone from Cook's in there." She says. She's going to find Gypsy. She goes in. Too late now. I feel so bad. She comes out a bit later. "You're still here?" She says surprised. "Oh just wondering if you found someone." "Nope. You were right." Gypsy must've heard the commotion and hid somewhere better in there. Smart. I walk out of the cafeteria and I find his locker. It has a pink sticky note on it. Emerald found him haha. "Bailey? I'm here." I tell him. "Thanks. You got it?" "Yep." I unlock the locker door and he comes out immediately. "Thank you so much! You have NO IDEA!" He suddenly sprints to the bathrooms. Haha. Someone must've been busting.

At the end

We're all crowding around the hiding list. The only one left is Mike. Which means Einstein has won the challenge. Freeman in second, Beethoven in 3rd, Cook in 4th and finally, Darwin in 5th (aka last). After everyone saw the sticky note on Bailey's locker some started spending majority of their time looking through peep holes. "Congratulations to Mike from Einstein! You guys are the winners! Mike, you can come out now." VPF said on the speaker. Suddenly VPF's door opened. Mike came out! "Can't believe no one found me, i was just hiding under the desk." Mike said. "Wait you can go in VPF's office?!" Artemis asked. Mike nodded. "Didn't he have important work to do though?" Atlas asked. "Yeah doesn't mean you couldn't enter." Mike said. "Did anyone at all walk in?" Lacy asked. Mike shook his head. "Nope!" Now Einstein's closer to the house cup.

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