✨ Designerjg

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Welcome to Fanfic's Hall of Fame, Designerjg!!!

Designerjg: Fandoms are a safe space, full of others who find comfort in and love the same things

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Designerjg: Fandoms are a safe space, full of others who find comfort in and love the same things. Fanfiction to me is almost wish fulfillment, or taking beloved characters and creating stories that bring you joy, and maybe even others.

Designerjg: I don't entirely remember

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Designerjg: I don't entirely remember. I just loved my fandoms and started writing a bit of stuff, then one day decided to download Wattpad. Then, I felt inspired to start writing structured stories and posting them for others to see. It was amazing to see the amount of others who wanted to read what I wrote. 

Designerjg:  I unfortunately don't remember, it's been so many years and I've had so much going on

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Designerjg:  I unfortunately don't remember, it's been so many years and I've had so much going on. But I'm thankful for every single reader who has stuck with me during my worst times and those who came when I finally got my footing. 

Designerjg:  I would say yes

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Designerjg:  I would say yes. Fanfiction has been a fantastic escape from the boredom or troubles of my real world, and then writing has been my way of getting feelings out and expressing myself, bad or good.

Designerjg: I love seeing the readers and being the reader who gets invested

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Designerjg: I love seeing the readers and being the reader who gets invested. Suddenly it's more than someone writing how they wanted the story to go with make up characters, it's something I can't put down, something that makes me cry and makes a genuine impact on me. It's just amazing to see how important these stories can become. 

Designerjg: I'm not sure

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Designerjg: I'm not sure. I think fanfiction will continue to expand and become bigger and more inviting. I'd like to believe I'll always have a place in the world of fan fiction, but I'm sure as I enter adulthood and the world, I'll have to slow down. Maybe it'll once again become my escape, who knows. 

Designerjg: All of these describe Natalia_1010

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Designerjg: All of these describe Natalia_1010. They have been one of my BIGGEST supporters ever since I regained my footing in writing and posting, and they have continued to be so patient with me. They are amazing!!

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