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katiegoesmew: Fandom and fanfictions are just ways to have fun and connect with people of like interests.
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katiegoesmew: I started writing fanfiction when I was a pre-teen. Two of my cousins and I had a roleplay, crossover fanfiction on MSN Messenger (that dates me). Rurouni Kenshin was my favorite show at the time, and I had a huge crush on Kenshin, so he was my character's love interest; one of my cousins loved Nightcrawler from the X-Men, so that was hers; and the other cousin had a thing for Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z and the Martian Manhunter from DC (she liked green men). So, Rurouni Kenshin/X-Men/Dragon Ball Z/DC crossover. It was nuts and so much fun.
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katiegoesmew: I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was QuinceArchFortes, who commented on my fanfiction. We haven't really talked much since she first read it, but I see her around the site and say hi from time to time.
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katiegoesmew: Writing in general is an escape and a de-stressor for me, and fanfiction has a lot less pressure for me than original writing. It's just fun.
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katiegoesmew: My favorite part is the interaction. Chatting with my readers, chatting with other writers, swapping ideas or just fangirling over a specific thing that nobody else would get—that's easily the best part of fanfiction for me.
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katiegoesmew: Fanfiction is an always and forever, because there will always be a new fandom and diehard fans around every corner. I need to shift my focus to writing original works if I want to get published, but I'll keep writing fanfiction on the side for fun.
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