Chapter 3

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"You have entered my loop." Alma explains, Jenny keeping up with her pace beside her.

"What's a loop?" Matilda asks.

"A loop is a 24 hour period that is created by an ymbryne - such as myself- and will keep repeating so long as they're reset." The ravenette says, walking alongside the trees that led to the open yard of the home. Jenny got a better look at the building, noticing how much bigger it was up front.

"What's an ymbryne?" The girl questions, Jenny quiet as she looked around the new place.

"An ymbryne is someone who has the ability, or peculiarity as we call it, to manipulate time and shapeshift into a bird." Alma responds with a hinting smile. "Our duty is to care for any peculiar in need."

"Peculiar?" Jenny repeats, Alma glancing over when the woman said something, seeing the confusion on her face.

"A peculiar is someone who has some sort of ability that seperates them from the normals." The ymbryne replies, checking her pocket watch briefly when she got to the door of the home. She turned back to face them both, a soft smile on her lips. "Only peculiars can enter a loop."

Jenny felt her mind go to a halt. That isn't possible, but could she think so when she's seen what Matilda can do? She knew it was different, but never would have thought there was a place for it. Especially something like this, it just didn't seem real.

Alma must have sensed how the woman felt and looked over to Matilda, sending the girl a gentle look.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the others while I speak with Miss Honey." The ravenette says softly, Matilda sending her an eager look with a polite smile, nodding and heading inside when Alma opened the door for her.

"Thank you." The girl smiles, Alma returning it with a soft hum, watching her leave inside. Jenny seen she was still holding the door open, the woman's blue eyes landing on her, gesturing her to enter as well. Miss Honey stepped into the home, the ymbryne following behind her and shutting the door when they both entered.

"Would you like some tea?" Jenny already had one before she left, but to avoid being rude, she smiled.

"Yes, thank you."

The brunette followed behind her to the kitchen, Alma offering her to take a seat at the small table in the room. Jenny did as the older woman turned on the stove top, her cheeks turning a faint pink when the ravenette turned to meet her eyes.

"If you have questions, ask away." Alma says, noticing how she was acting. "It can be a lot to take in when you first get here."

"It's just that I know why Matilda was able to get here, but I'm not peculiar." Jenny states, looking up at the woman from her seat at the table.

"I assure you, only peculiars can enter." Miss Peregrine says softly. "Some just don't have the environment to be able to recognize their own ability."

"I'm just a school teacher, I can't have some ability. Wouldn't I have known at some point?"

"Some peculiars don't know until they have someone to teach them." Alma explains as she got two mugs out for her and Jenny.

"How would I know what to work with though?" The woman asks, an odd flutter in her stomach when the ymbryne sent her a smile.

"That's where I'll work with you, dear." She replies, Jenny feeling a heat build in her cheeks and could have sworn the woman's smile twitched into a slight smirk before she turned away when the kettle went off.


Jenny went to stand from the table when Matilda suddenly went into the kitchen, beaming with excitement.

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