Chapter 19

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Miss Honey woke up around midnight from yet another dream of her aunt and noticed that Alma wasn't in bed. With a small yawn, she slowly sat up out of bed with a stretch, a chill running through her when her feet touched the floor. She made her way to the side of the room where her suitcase of clothes still lay, taking out a sweater to slip on top of her night gown and quietly made her way downstairs. Jenny wasn't quite sure where Alma was when she didn't see her in the kitchen, so instead she went to the parlor to sit for a bit to try and settle her mind. She didn't quite understand why she still felt guilty over Agatha's death. She was a horrible woman, she threatened her daughter, injured Alma and was going to take Jenny away from them all. So why did she care?

Her thoughts were cut off when she heard someone come downstairs, glancing over and noticing the ravenette who startled slightly when she seen the woman in the firelight of the parlor.

"Jenny? What are you doing up?"

The brunette seen how the woman's eyes were glazed over, the unshed tears shining from the fire that shined dimly in the room. It didn't go unnoticed the now dry tear tracks that stained the ravenette's cheeks and Jenny immediately looked at her with concern.

"Are you alright?" She asks softly, Alma nodding before looking away. "Alma, what's wrong?"

The older woman wanted to keep herself composed as she stepped into the parlor, quietly walking over to where Jenny sat on the end of couch near the fireplace. The brunette didn't hesitate to gently take her hand when she sat down, the warm touch enough to let a loose tear fall down the woman's cheek. Jenny carefully brushed it away, meeting her eyes for a moment and seeing the pain that the woman held so clearly in her gaze.

"It's okay, bluebird." The woman says, her voice so delicate and soft, Alma thought for sure she would break herself at the tone.

"No, it's not." She goes to reply, clenching her jaw when her voice shook, feeling the woman's thumb brush away yet another tear that had fallen.

"Do you want a hug?"

The question itself made the ravenette's heart tremble and a pain unravel in her chest at the words. She bit the inside of her cheek, hard enough to draw blood before nodding slightly, Jenny immediately bringing her in a warm and comforting hold. Alma tried keeping her face stoic, but her talons dug into the woman's sweater, the sweet honey perfume making it difficult to keep herself intact. The woman hated losing her composure, but after so many years, she couldn't. The bottle to all of the ymbrynes emotions that she tucked away for so long, that she hid away from her children in fear of worrying them, had broke. All because of Jenny.

An overwhelming feeling blossomed in the older woman and she couldn't tell what it was. It had been so long since she had someone to talk to, that listened and could give her the comfort she never realized she needed. Alma loved her children so dearly, but they could never give her exactly what she needed. They were far too young to carry the problems their ymbryne dealed with and never would Miss Peregrine ever want them to feel as if they had to. Her thoughts would stay with her only and she always planned to never concern her wards with any of them. But she couldn't stop herself when it came to Jenny. Something about the brunette made the awful worries and burdens feel so much lighter, made her feel more at ease and want to be open with her.

Alma hadn't even noticed she was crying until she felt Jenny's fingers run through her hair, each touch sending an ache to her heart that the older woman oddly craved. The younger woman kept her close in her arms, resting her head against her chest as she tried to comfort her to the best of her ability. She didn't quite understand what had her so upset, but she was determined to calm her down, continuing the gentle pattern her other hand drew against her back. Eventually Alma had no more tears left to cry, a dull ache taking hold of her instead as she hid her face against the crook of Jenny's neck, taking a shaky breath in as she tried to settle herself. The brunette didn't mind, resting her cheek against the top of her head and shutting her own eyes, wishing she could rid of all the pain the headmistress dealt with.

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