Chapter 10

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Miss Honey slowly woke up when she felt the sunlight beam down on her from the window, signaling it was morning. She didn't bother opened her eyes, too tired and the throbbing in her hand was bothering her. The brunette nuzzled closer to what she thought was a pillow, last night seeming like a dream to her when she felt a hand rest against the back of her head, running through strands of her hair. Jenny slowly opened her eyes, the familiar scent of vanilla bringing her back to reality, noticing the dark blue of the older woman's nightgown. She let out a tired sigh, shutting her eyes as Alma ran her talons through her hair and a faint blush trailed across the older woman's cheeks when she felt the woman's breath against her collarbone.

"Good morning, my Jenny." She says softly, gently rousing her from falling back to sleep.

"Good morning." She says, her voice drowsy and laced with sleep, her legs tangled with hers as she layed close against her.

The older woman leaned down, placing a long, lingering kiss on her forehead before she pulled away, Jenny opening her eyes once more when she did. She met the woman's eyes, captured by the striking blue irises that held fragments of indigo within them. Her features seemed to light up from the sunrise, her normally pale cheeks tinted with a light pink. The ymbrynes hair was undone, falling over her shoulders as the iridescent blue shined in her hair, mixing with the black. Jenny brought her hand up to brush her thumb over her high cheekbones, taking in every detail of the ravenette. No one has ever made her feel such a way, so captivated and infatuated. The brunette could look at her for all of eternity and never be able to comprehend just how beautiful she was.

"What are you thinking, little bird?" Alma says quietly, her soothing voice drawing the younger woman out of her trance. Jenny didn't reply though, her thumb moving down her soft skin, down to her lips and gently ran her finger across the woman's bottom lip. A blush tinged Alma's cheeks, looking down at the woman's features, taking note of each freckle that showed faintly on her face. The honey-brown of her eyes that seemed to shine golden when the sun hit them just right, the brown in her hair shining in the rays of the sun. Her eyes roamed over her, noticing the faint freckles speckled across her shoulders, the ravenette carefully tracing a talon over each one, drawing a slight shiver out of the younger woman.

Her thumb moved from the ymbrynes lips, moving down to rest against her collarbone where her injured hand layed, her eyes moving from Alma's eyes, to her lips briefly, and then back to her. The older woman knew what she was subtly asking and she leaned down, closing the small distance between the two as her lips met hers. Jenny memorized every aspect of it; how soft the woman's lips were, how perfect they felt against hers. A soft sigh left the older woman as she propped herself up, her lips barely leaving the woman's as she pushed deeper against her, Jenny feeling the familiar hands move to rest at her waist. She felt the sting of her talons, Alma absentmindedly digging them in but the feeling only urged her on. She ran her hand through the ravenettes hair, her hand falling to rest on the back of her neck to pull her closer when Alma had to pull away to take a breath. Her lips hardly left though, Jenny's cheeks burning when she felt her breath against her lips, her nose only an inch away from hers.

"I don't think I can let you go." Alma whispers breathlessly, her eyebrows furrowing in slight worry, her blue eyes showing her guilt. Jenny looked up at her, her pupils blown and her cheeks red. She sensed how the older woman was feeling for how selfish she was for wanting her to herself. It wasn't Alma's choice, not the children's either. It was Jenny's and only Jenny's. But the brunette only brought her hand down her neck to rest against the ravenettes cheek, drawing her out of her thoughts as she sent her a smile.

"Then don't." She whispers softly, leaning up before Alma could reply, the older woman's thoughts immediately dissipating when she felt her lips on hers once more. The ravenette wasn't one to get distracted so easily, but when it came to Jenny she couldn't even think about anything else other than her. She was addicting, her taste so soothing, just like honey. Alma smiled slightly against her lips at the thought, her tongue trailing along the bottom of Jenny's lip wanting entrance. The younger woman didn't fight against it, her mouth parting against her lips and a soft pleased sound left the older woman when she got her way. Jenny felt her head fall back against the pillow as Alma leaned over top of her, tasting the vanilla tobacco of Alma's pipe, but didn't mind it. In fact, she only craved her more because of it.

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