Chapter 13

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It has been two days since Miss Honey had left the loop and Jenny couldn't stop worrying about what was going on at the loop. She managed to close the school, informing the teachers who worked there about it and letting a lie slip that she had to close it to go care for a family member she had in Wales. She felt so exhausted, not having slept much because of Agatha haunting her dreams and the continuous worry that something was going on at the loop. Jenny was so focused on getting her things together for her and Matilda, that she forgot to sit down and eat, too focused on needing to get back to the loop immediately. Now that the school was off her list, she just needed to pack a bag or two for the both of them and try to get some rest before she left on the ferry to head back to Wales that took hours to even reach.

Now Jenny was in the kitchen waiting for the tea kettle to go off, picking at the side of her nail. Everything was finished, it only took her 2 days. Or has it been 3? She hadn't quite been keeping track of the time, some ymbryne she was for that. No, don't think that, Jenny scolded herself lightly and went to retrieve the kettle when it whistled. Glancing at the time, she noted it was a little past 9 in the evening and knew she would have to lay down soon if she wanted to be well rested to head home.

Sipping at her tea, Jenny walked to the living room, the silence leaving her on edge as the wind blew outside. It was unsettling without Matilda there, she felt just like the little girl that was stuck with Agatha in that home and it left her on edge. Then she found her mind drifting to Alma, wishing she was at home and in her arms, craving the warmth and comfort the ymbryne gave her. She wanted so desperately to fall in her arms and never let go, the thought making her heart hurt and her eyes blur with tears. Jenny wished she could leave now, but the Ferry isn't scheduled to leave this late. She would fly there despite it being so many hours away, but she didn't know how to fly either.

Taking a slow sip of her tea, she glanced towards the window, seeing how dark it was and the shallow feeling in her chest grew. It was so lonely by herself, the quiet in the house almost too loud except for the small crackle of the fireplace. Is this how Agatha felt? Alone in a home that was meant for Jenny and her father? How did she handle it? The woman was a horrible person, but she had to have some fright being so alone. At that thought, Jenny remembered the time Matilda had snuck into her home and she went after her. Agatha had thought someone had broken in and almost took their heads off in the process. Jenny couldn't help the faint smile on her lips, but she then felt the tears run down her cheeks, a quiet cry suddenly leaving her mouth as she picked at the side of her nail. She hadn't realized she picked it open and it was bleeding, but she didn't care. How terribly she wanted someone, not be alone with the thoughts of her past. She's spent so long with them and the reminiscent feeling the home was giving her was certainly not helping. She set her tea down, pulling off the blanket on the back of the couch and draping it around her, but the tears only worsened when it didn't match the comfort Alma's arms gave her instead. Why was she so distraught over her? She would be back Inna day, why was she missing her so much?

"God damnit." Jenny muttered as she wiped away her tears, throwing the blanket aside harshly and standing from the couch. She would learn how to fly right now and leave the home, she couldn't wait any longer. Quickly shifting into the Honeyguide, she paced the room before attempting to flap her wings, trying to keep her body leveled and her tail feathers straight to help her balance. She took off for a moment, dropping to the floor with a frustrated trill. Immediately trying once more, she flew up, steadying herself before she tripped on to the floor again. Jenny stamped her talons against the carpet as she grew upset, but calmed herself down with a soft sigh, raising her wings.

Third time the charm.

Carefully flapping her wings and keeping herself steady, Jenny felt her talons leave the ground, her flying a bit shaky but finally she opened her eyes and seen she was still in the air. She didn't fall. Trying not to get too ahead of herself, Jenny flew forward, an excited trill leaving her as she flew around the doorways of the big house, her heart practically leaping out of her chest at the feeling. She felt so incredibly free, a breeze through her feathers as she flew, carefully landing back in the living room.

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