Chapter 20

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The sunrise slowly hit the window causing Jenny to stir for just a moment, stretching slightly as she rolled over on to her other side, away from the light. She slowly began dozing off when suddenly the door opened, Jenny quickly sitting up when she seen no one was on the other side. Glancing over, she noticed Alma wasn't in bed and slowly made herself get out of bed, walking over to the door. The brunette peeked out into the hall, vaguely catching the backside of a man. Before she could get a good look at who it was, he turned down the hallway and Jenny was quick to follow. She was unsure how he got to the home or who it even was, but something was drawing her in and she couldn't stop herself from walking towards it. She made her way down the staircase, her breath hitching when she seen the children's home was no longer there and she now stood in her fathers house. Immediately she tensed, turning around sharply when she heard someone run by, but seen nothing.

"Who's there?" She manages to say, hesitating before walking to the kitchen. Again, she didn't find anyone. Instead she heard a fast pair of footsteps run past the door and she started growing unnerved.


Jenny soon made her way back to the hall, passing the living room but she halted, her breathing seeming to stop with what she seen. It wasn't real? Was it? No, it couldn't be.

Slowly stepping back, she forced her eyes to move to the room, dragging her gaze along the floor. Her eyes widened when she seen the red that dripped on to the carpet, unable to stop herself from finally looking up, her heart seeming to stop itself when she seen the trails of dark red that fell from her fathers portrait.

"Dad..?" She whispers, her voice cracking when Jenny then felt a hand yank her hair back, the woman falling back words and her back hit the floor, knocking the wind out of her. When she blinked, the room was suddenly dark, the portrait of her father now gone from the room, now replaced with the one Agatha had put of herself years ago after he had passed.

Jenny quickly sat up, going to go to the door, but it wouldn't open, no matter how hard she tugged on the door knob.

"Come on!" She shouted through her clenched teeth, her adrenaline rushing through her veins when she heard that all too familiar voice behind her.

"Jenny, come sit down."

The brunette turned around, pressing herself further against the door when Agatha walked towards her, the whip she held with her was carefully placed on the side of her belt. Just like how it always was when she worked at the school.

"No, no, this isn't real." Jenny whispers, looking around frantically as she tried to open the door but couldn't.

"You haven't been a great listener, Jenny." Agatha sneers, a slight smile playing on her lips at watching her struggle and the younger woman grew desperate, pounding on the door in hopes it would just open.

"No no, please, let me out!" She shouts, attempting to claw at the crack of the door, letting out a cry of pain when her nails disagreed with the action.

"Jennifer, go to the basement to continue your lesson." Agatha says, Miss Honey clawing even more at the door, desperately trying to get it to open as the woman walked closer to her, her hand easing to rest on the handle of the whip she held.

"Think of what your father would think, of seeing his little girl such a spoiled rotten brat!" Jenny flinched at her tone, cradling her hand close against her as her fingers bled from trying to pry open the door, looking away from the woman as she grew near her.

"You killed him!" Jenny snapped, a quiet sob leaving her throat and grew immediately silent when Agatha pulled her by the jaw to face her, her eyes widening when she seen the complete white in her eyes, forced to look into them.

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