Chapter 16

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Miss Honey hadn't remembered falling asleep. The aches and spasms in her arms only added to her nightmares of Agatha, trapped back in the body of her 7 year old self who was haunted by the woman. She remembered the pain, the bruises, everything all too well when the woman lost her temper. Whether it was a slap to the face or locking her in her bedroom after she would hurt her, the pain in her arms would be enough for her to let out a quiet cry of pain. It didn't stop with just Agatha, she kept searching for Alma but either Barron had already killed her or she would have to watch him do so.

The ravenette wasn't sleeping the greatest either, trapped in her own dreams of torture caused only by Barron, but she woke up from her deep slumber when she heard a quiet whimper from the woman behind her. Disoriented for a moment, the older woman slowly moved over to her other side. She seen how her eyebrows were furrowed in pain, Jenny's nails digging into the bandage Alma had put on her hand shortly after she had fallen asleep. The woman's breathing was ragged, the ravenette slowly sitting up when she seen a stray tear fall down the brunettes cheek, brushing it away. Alma scooted closer to the woman, her hand gently taking her bandaged one to stop her nails from causing any harm, resting her head against her chest and heard the fast patter of her heart.

"It's alright, darling." Alma whispers, her eyes begging to close but she wouldn't leave the younger woman alone with her nightmares. She understood too deeply how it felt to be stuck in them and she wouldn't want that for Jenny.

"Jenny." She says, her tone a bit louder as she brushed the woman's hair back, noticing the sweat that clung to her forehead. The ymbryne gently shook her shoulder, easing off when the brunette grimaced at the sore pain but woke up, her features softening as she took in the familiar sight of the ravenette that was leaning over her. She felt her talons scrape through her hair, her hand moving down to rest against Jenny's cheek as her heart beat slowed, shutting her eyes.

"I'm sorry if I woke you." She whispers, Alma gently shushing her. Her thumb brushed across the tear that escaped her eye when she opened them again, looking up at the older woman. Alma moved to sit beside her, propping herself against the pillows before holding her arms out and Jenny eagerly took the invitation. She fell into her arms, the sweet comforting scent of vanilla filling her senses, her cheeks burning a faint pink when the ymbryne placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"How are you feeling?" Jenny mumbles against her nightgown. "I'm sorry, you need to sleep."

"I'm alright, little bird. You're hurt too I'm more than willing to take care of you just as you've been doing for me." Alma says, her voice hush but comforting. Jenny didn't reply, but nuzzled closer to the woman's chest as she held her, missing the warmth that only she could provide her and the nickname that made her heart flutter every time.

"When did you learn how to fly?" Alma abruptly asks, a gentle smile playing on her lips when Jenny looked up at her.

"Last night. I didn't want to wait for the ferry the next morning, so I kept practicing until eventually I got it." She explains quietly, closing her eyes as she kept a gentle hold on the woman's waist.

"How did you know where I was?"

"When I got here, Emma had told me that you were taken and I told her I would have you back before reset." Jenny says, her breath hitting the ymbrynes collarbone as she spoke, a relaxed smile spreading across her lips. "And I did."

"You had me so worried, but I was so relieved to see you." Alma hugged her a little closer as she spoke, resting her forehead against hers. "You haven't a clue how much I missed having you here."

"I think I have an idea of how much." Jenny whispers, opening her eyes and looking into the beautiful indigo ones that looked back at her. "I was hardly gone that long and it hurt so much not having you there." The ymbryne listened intently, moving to press a light kiss on her cheek.

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